Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] and [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We were informed that the Prime Minister had set aside an hour for us , and she arrived on the dot , nicely accoutred and coiffeured and saying she was ready to go when we were .
2 Nine o'clock came and went and there was no sign of him .
3 Alain merely nodded and smiled and Jenna glanced at him curiously .
4 Anxious not to be further delayed , she merely nodded and waved but before she was out of earshot she heard Ford 's voice boom out a greeting .
5 The policeman only stood and fought because he could n't run ; and run is what you must always do whenever knives come out .
6 Still worse , however , were visits to a Kilmarnock grandmother , a tough ‘ old tartar ’ of a truly ‘ grim disposition ’ , who ‘ just lived and lived and lived ’ in her spotless ‘ scrubbed white ’ house .
7 Who just sighed and said that penguins had driven themselves blind , even mad , by watching that dangerous nonsense up there .
8 He just nodded and smiled and went on chewing Chicken Thallium , slowly and methodically Henry tried to think of a remark that would go with an expansive gesture .
9 More often she just leaked and leaked and leaked .
10 They soon talked and agreed that the shortish novel had the potential to make a good movie .
11 ‘ My headache just grew and grew and suddenly the light faded and I could not see a thing .
12 She just growled and growled and growled , did n't she .
13 In the beginning I just hoped and prayed that it would be over next week .
14 But I think a lot of them were genuinely concerned , as in my case I think this person was genuinely worried about me because I 'd had , it was my third child and I I do think she was er worried about me because er you know you do n't want to keep having babies and losing them but I was n't worried about , I was worried about myself , to say I was n't worried that 's stupid , but er we just hoped and hoped and kept hoping .
15 I just sat and looked and looked .
16 Sometimes she wandered quietly about with measures and notebooks , but mostly she just sat and watched and listened .
17 Some of the children were screaming as they watched the tussle going on between the nun and the girl whom they secretly admired and envied because she was n't afraid of the dreaded Sister Mary .
18 And we went three times and they always planned and planned and planned and had ideas what they could do .
19 Kitty still came and went as she pleased , borrowing money from both her sisters as well as Charlie , and never paying them back .
20 She also painted and drew and this , inspired by comics like Topper , developed into caricaturing .
21 Shimon Peres ' best chance of forming a government probably came and went when two members of an orthodox religious party caused an uproar in parliament while renegeing on a promise to join the Labour Party coalition .
22 But he also smoked and drank and boasted that he would sometimes have sex before a race because he enjoyed the physical release .
23 He clearly hoped and expected that the consensus around his foreign policy would rub off on the presidency , reinforcing perceptions of its national and non-partisan function .
24 They were good friends — he often danced and sang and talked with her .
25 But if the real Caroline was accessible to Jonathan Reeves , if she really liked and wanted that unprepossessing wimp , then she hardly merited the tribute even of his curiosity .
26 When the guard learned what had happened , he simply laughed and said that it must have been old Humphrey .
27 A return to the eternal verities might be in order , but even then you can still end up clean shaven , well trousered and blazered and commentating for the pie in the Sky .
28 She wanted him to go on , but he did n't , so she simply sat and dreamed and let her mind go floating out into the grey April morning towards the gulls and the sky and the sea .
29 I always saw myself as a creator of space for particular needs , and I found the best ideas which fitted in with that need and that slot and I then encouraged and challenged and stimulated and created the space for that production team to make that programme in the best possible way .
30 And then ranted and raved cos she probably just about going off then , you see it woke her up all the fuss and kerfuffle !
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