Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 But he survived his brush with death and eventually made it back to an English hospital .
2 Dress your hair in the way I intended , put on my pearl necklace and — ’ Anne drew off her gold ring and carelessly dropped it on to the coverlet ‘ — my wedding-ring .
3 Someone else was going to do this one and then they suddenly switched me on to it . ’
4 Theodora gently steered him back to the house and set him in a deckchair on the south-facing terrace .
5 ‘ I never thought to see this day , ’ he murmured , as he rose to his feet and gently pulled her up to him .
6 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
7 He pulled a low seat from under the bed and gently eased her down to it .
8 Instinct alone brought me back to alertness , a warning pulse from the innermost guardian of my being .
9 He eventually whittled it down to eighteen thousand and his successors have since reduced the number even more dramatically .
10 We just passed them out to crazy people and artistes and people who were always on the scene in New York .
11 He said he he 's apparently just moved and he 's got involved with this other charity erm to do with the United Nations Friends of the Earth and just passed it on to me .
12 Less than twenty of them finally made it back to England , alas — but their sale at Sotheby 's made this one of the most profitable ventures we 've ever engaged in , and did much to offset our subsequent post-production costs !
13 If he found that the archbishop disliked a nomination , he coolly referred it back to Downing Street .
14 I 'd never driven a van in my life but I managed to drive it from the East End to the West End , which I found a feat , and then I finally drove it up to Cumberland in the snow which was even more of a feat .
15 I mean I did not need to stay on at school or get my B.A. at Strathclyde to know when not to F or C. Fuck-me shoes , I just handed them back to the saleslady with as much dignity as I could muster and says , thanks but no thanks , I do n't know when I 'd ever have the occasion to werr them .
16 I finally tracked him down to Antwerp . ’
17 We finally tracked it down to a small covered trailer behind a parked car .
18 I finally worked it down to two alternatives .
19 My Grandfather arrived and was found to be not my ‘ official ’ guardian , but despite red tape they finally carted me off to be cauterized .
20 You should take it in but you did n't — just rolled it on to the next beat .
21 That finally jolted me back to reality and sanity . ’
22 When the great man was exiled to Elba the diamond was returned to his father-in-law , Francis I of Austria , who duly handed it back to the French authorities .
23 They , no doubt confused beyond belief , gratefully passed him on to the Americans
24 The strange , wild feeling that usually drove her down to the sea was beginning to thump in her bosom .
25 Tim sprang to public prominence when personal letters he wrote to the Princess were stolen from her briefcase and offered for sale to a tabloid newspaper , which promptly handed them over to Scotland Yard .
26 He then slowly pulled out some bank notes and furtively handed them over to the large man , who patted him on the back and quickly got off at the next station .
27 Mrs Fraser once packed me off to bed as I was groggy with summer flu , and the four lads with me were sent off to do Ben Tee on their own — a perfect challenge for their particular hill experience at the time .
28 In 1930 the owner of a strip of land fronting a highway sold the land to the council , which contemporaneously leased it back to him upon terms set out in a memorandum of agreement providing that ‘ the tenancy shall continue until the … land is required by the council for the purposes of the widening of ’ the highway .
29 Are you regretting that you ever brought me back to life , Pygmalion ?
30 These , at least until recently , hardly kept them up to date at all with stock market developments .
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