Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it sounds ridiculous saying it now , but what eventually made me decide to move was when John Mayall brought horns into the BB line-up ; I was so dumb that I thought , ‘ If it 's horns , it 's not blues . ’
2 A heavy silence filled the air and Newman suddenly realized he had heard no birds sing since they entered the area .
3 I , I I went to as we came down , suddenly realized you 'd got somebody there you were obviously deep in conference so er
4 I suddenly realized I had made a serious mistake .
5 She suddenly realised she had passed from the survival phase to a phase where she could see that The Body Shop had become a retailing institution that was going from strength to strength .
6 Having , with spectacular lack of vision , left the door open to the Japanese in the early BMC-British Leyland doldrum management days , Land Rover 's lethargic parent suddenly realised it had missed the boat in a rapidly expanding market sector , and did something about it .
7 I looked down and suddenly realised I had forgotten to bring my own umbrella to work that morning .
8 He breathed a sigh or relief when Mrs Long announced he had polled 31 .
9 Some man at the college had arranged it for her … she more or less admitted she 'd worked on him . ’
10 But I think that , you know , we 've got so involved we 've done a lot of work in our time , but now we do n't seem to be erm There is a younger element coming in they tell me .
11 During a telephone call to a neighbour this weekend , Ms Gibson apparently indicated she intended to continue her holiday .
12 ‘ I did n't hear anything about pictures , I only heard you threatening to kill her . ’
13 then when his great moment came and his wife came to cut the cake all the photographers suddenly decided they needed to clean the lenses of their camera and his wife 's picture was never taken .
14 I suddenly decided I wanted to see and do something different . ’
15 The BBC suddenly decided it wanted to stop Doctor Who .
16 Pension contributions as well another one Okay , so employed we need to know their gross package , self-employed we need to work on their net relevant earnings .
17 He fell sideways , but I knew he was n't knocked out , he still kept hold of me , I suddenly felt I had to kill him or he would kill me .
18 " I suddenly felt I had to get out and I wanted your company .
19 She suddenly knew she had to get out of this car .
20 She suddenly knew she had to get out of the house .
21 ‘ I would n't dream of telling you anything ! ’ she flared , and as anxiety , love and all manner of emotions flooded her she only knew she had to get away from him .
22 She only knew she wanted to get as close to him as she could .
23 They deliberately looked for inconsistencies where they basically knew I 'd told them but two aspects of the truth , in the hope that I 'd blurt out the real truth about something else in my fright and confusion .
24 So worried he 'd invaded five friendly countries by mistake .
25 Charles constantly felt he had done nothing to earn it ; there was no feeling of satisfaction in a job well done .
26 She had stopped so suddenly that he obviously thought he 'd distressed her .
27 The Swiss proved to be ferocious fighters , and in 1415 the Habsburgs were driven out of the Aargau , but although Aarau was allowed to keep the rights granted by the Habsburgs , it was soon clear to the Argovians that Swiss victory merely meant they had exchanged one landlord for another .
28 Not merely did he claim to present to livings retrospectively in his own reign but even to vacancies which had occurred sede vacante in his father 's reign !
29 She said , do you know she said we 'd gone off to the woods and I suddenly remembered I 'd left my purse in the car .
30 And I just suddenly remembered I 've left me windows open one of my bedroom windows open .
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