Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [conj] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When I eventually realized that he was trying to chat me up , I decided to end the conversation and get off the train .
2 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
3 Now this is people 's traditional expectation and they still have it , whereas we 're of the mind that instead of this er you 've very cleverly got in this circle and the last day that I suddenly realized that we 're all equal and moving around in a reasonably organized manner but still we 're rather loose , whereas the traditional view is a parish councillor says it and everybody does the rest , with a few er renegades and revolutionaries at varying parts in your parish .
4 ‘ We suddenly realized that we were as free as air , and could n't think of a thing to do with this unexpected liberty .
5 I suddenly realized that I was n't myself any more : I did n't give a damn whether he was wearing a tie or not . ’
6 I suddenly realized that I was going mad too , that he was wickedly wickedly cunning .
7 I suddenly realized that she was a pretty woman .
8 I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved .
9 my legs , I suddenly realized when I was changing at the swimming pool , and thought oh sod it , who 's gon na notice , I mean , at half past seven , I really ca n't get that excited about it .
10 She suddenly realised that they were both staring at her , watching the expressions chase each other across her face .
11 However , whatever the reason , she suddenly realised that she was feeling far too tired and exhausted to pick yet another fight with Ross .
12 I suddenly realised that there were all these great black players around in Louisiana , and that I 'd missed them completely !
13 ‘ At first I thought art was simply a matter of reproducing what I saw ; but one day I saw a reproduction of Piero della Francesca 's Pietà , and I suddenly realised that there was a huge spiritual element in painting .
14 On my way out of the shed , I suddenly realised that I was not on my own .
15 At lunchtime the aid started going off and I suddenly realised that I was n't going to get through the afternoon — ’
16 I suddenly realised that he was very , very interested .
17 Then I suddenly realised that it was a film set .
18 On the way down on that stretch of road from death one to death two I call them , the roundabouts I suddenly realised if we were going to have a rehearsal we needed to have a bouquet of flowers did n't we so I leapt out of the car picked some weeds tied them up with a piece of strong so that the chap of our staff who was going to be in front of me was going to hold them during the rehearsal whilst I dashed up to play first of all the Lord Provost and then the Queen or the Lady Provost as she then was .
19 He only became as it were conscious again when he realised that she was on to another topic .
20 On the third evening after his return from the castle , he suddenly announced that he was going back to Kinghorn .
21 I suddenly found that I was losing my powers at a time when I needed them most .
22 The spelling mistakes only occurred when I was shouted .
23 We started , and indeed I started , by removing all deputies in the organization , and then trying to persuade others to ensure that another hierarchical layer in the tree only occurred when there was a quite measurably different job to be done from the layer below it .
24 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
25 Those killed were members of trade unions in an area which , with a total of 10,000 troops , has become so highly militarized that there is one soldier for every two banana workers .
26 He refused to comment on whether his organisation was carrying out the interviewing or ‘ disclosure ’ work on the children ; , he merely reiterated that they were involved in offering their assistance in whatever way was required by the department who had contracted them .
27 She suddenly recollected that she was now the wife of the director of a large company , and drew herself up with what she hoped was some dignity ; but she only succeeded in looking more than ever like a pouter pigeon .
28 I suddenly noticed that we were diving down again .
29 Preobrazhensky not only forgot that it is necessary to examine each mode of production in its specific , if general , forms but also that the manner of investigation will be conditioned by these forms .
30 about the room were high chairs and low chairs , bandy-legged chairs , chairs so attenuated that it was a wonder any but a sylph could sit upon them , marqueterie tables covered with marvellous gimcracks , china ornaments of all ages and countries , bronzes , gilt daggers , Books of Beauty , yataghans , Turkish papooshes and boxes of Parisian bonbons …
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