Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Russian landlords did not and could not revolt against the tsar , who alone provided them with some legitimation against a peasantry profoundly convinced that the land belonged to him who laboured it , but also of their hierarchic subordination to the representatives of God and the emperor .
2 Franca naturally busied herself with genuine tasks , of which there were always plenty .
3 Daphne not only welcomed me with open arms but to my surprise expressed delight at the thought of my occupying one of her spare rooms .
4 Russians in Central Asia , imperialists in India , South-East Asia , and Africa , colonizers in Australasia , and the commercial intruders in China and Japan all expressed themselves with striking forcefulness through this one architectural type .
5 In a few moments she had finished it all while Tom All Alone watched her with obvious delight .
6 Again , the police ( who had only a marginal role in enforcing the new order , and who sometimes perhaps accepted it with less than utter enthusiasm ) were more likely to have diverse tribal allegiances in the larger settlements nearer the cities or in strategically more significant places .
7 The touch of Asuryan was no longer so strong in his mind , and the Sword of Khaine no longer provided him with near limitless strength .
8 The diocese had found him a housekeeper , a Miss Lambe , who was as small and anxious as a hamster , and who had taken a tiny , remote bedroom as her burrow , and already filled it with crocheted mats and pictures of the Royal Family .
9 ‘ I just dried myself with some hay and wrung out my dress before putting it back on .
10 No erm as I say , I never saw her in there erm I looked under the bed saw nothing was there , I just dropped it with one hand .
11 I just willed him with all my mind to believe me .
12 He did n't react , just watched her with deep concern .
13 Although Richard Baxter did n't die of tuberculosis , it nevertheless left him with much bodily weakness and pain for the remainder of his life .
14 A Alan at erm pub used to like , he always got summat with black bean sauce .
15 So a catastrophic drop to 5 per cent of its pre-deluge invertebrate quantities still provided them with three square meals a day .
16 Although the band could now operate without digging into the personal pocket of Joe Moss ( previously he had financed all the band 's expenses ) , Marr , Morrissey , Rourke and Joyce still found themselves with little personal money .
17 Nicholas Blake , the poet C. Day Lewis , once told me with remembered acute dismay how that had happened to him .
18 Martinus , a just man , protested to Paulus , who promptly threatened him with instant imprisonment for his interference .
19 If he ever hit her with that , he would probably kill her .
20 I do n't know if he ever guessed my feelings but he always treated me with great kindness and understanding .
21 And er put that on and tied them back and front and up on them tied them to the sides of the coble and and usually towed it with another rowing boat .
22 I wanted to on the report you know so always had it with easy reference but
23 The earthly rule of Osiris was that of a just and wise king , who organised the agricultural , religious and secular life of his people , and who also concerned himself with peaceful foreign conquest , ably assisted by Isis , by his vizier Thoth , and by his officials Anubis and Wepwawet .
24 The Committee also concerned itself with other aspects of university life — the training of graduates ; the value of degrees ; the employment of graduates ; the fair consideration of the provincial graduate in competition with those from the older universities ; the participation of graduates in university affairs , in industry , in education and in the Civil Service ; student problems , welfare and accommodation ; university entrance requirements .
25 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
26 Importantly for Nicholson , this quirk in the social order was all that was needed to give him the kick-start he required , and it also provided him with more money than he had ever earned before .
27 He understood a little of my behaviour as he was a photographer , who also provided me with many useful photographs .
28 This survey also indicated that in those libraries with audio-visual presentations , more than half also supplemented them with other forms of orientation or instruction notably tours , printed guides , supplementary printed handouts and exercises or other practical work .
29 In Prague , Mozart also reacquainted himself with old friends , including Count Thun , in whose house he and Constanze stayed , and the Dušeks — František , a respected composer and teacher , and his wife Josepha , an old Salzburg friend of Wolfgang 's and a fine singer for whom he had written several concert arias .
30 Colleague also presented her with various gifts on behalf of friends and colleagues .
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