Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [verb] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone thinks my language exaggerated or highly coloured — and such there might well be , considering that no one here under pensionable age can have any recollection of a world without rent restriction or subsidised rents — let him recall another upas tree which we only managed to cut down in the nick of time ten years ago .
2 The Joint Commission soon became bogged down in renewed argument over the eligibility of various groups for consultation , with the Russians reiterating refusal to consult rightists currently denouncing the Soviet Union vehemently and demonstrating noisily in Seoul .
3 The vehicle shot forward , and as it did so the first rocks from above came hurtling down onto the track just behind us .
4 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
5 So we just had to pop down to the Castle in Chiddingstone for a pint or two .
6 My brother-in-law the councillor said nothing , just stood looking down at her ; and in his eyes was just the right mixture of kindliness and a sort of authority ; and something else — a twinkle , a you-and-me-having-a-little-joke-together look .
7 He just stood looking down at her for a moment , his eyes still pleading , and then abruptly he turned and picked up the tray and carried it into the kitchen for her .
8 She always seemed to look down on children .
9 He still liked to come down for meals but often could n't last out and would leave his food and return .
10 The family Rover also became bogged down on the beach road and his brother Anwar suffered a heart attack after spending a night on the open beach .
11 According to the book of legends you have just shown us , Arthur came here to drink from the Grail , whilst one of his knights , Sir Bedivere , reputedly took Excalibur down to Narepool which is only three miles from Glastonbury .
12 The affair then became bogged down in argument and procedural wrangles before the European Court of Justice .
13 Say you got me to Ireland and dropped me off , then got shot down by a British night-fighter off the French coast on your way back .
14 ‘ Because I was injured in my first game for Villa and then kept breaking down in training , I never had the chance to get sharp and readjust to the speed of the English game .
15 ‘ Because I was injured in my first game for Villa and then kept breaking down in training , I never had the chance to get sharp and readjust to the speed of the English game .
16 The opposition to Raybestos then appeared to die down for the following year , only to return with a vengeance in 1980 .
17 The result was that the Government virtually had to climb down over its much heralded claim that it was offering the miners a significant increase in pay .
18 Dosh — I was pretty sure it was Dosh — and I danced some and she finished off the Kümmel , which meant we then had to sit down for a while near the window , where some scatter cushions had been laid .
19 The man then had to drop down on deck and arrange the boxes more carefully .
20 The sitting room was dark , and the fire that had blazed earlier had died down to grey-ashed coals .
21 Oh God ! ’ he was yelling aloud now as he stumbled back towards Martin and then stood looking down at him .
22 After taking my blood pressure and temperature , they took turns to poke , prod and press , then stood gazing down at me with puzzled wonder .
23 Rory had always thought of Hamish as a sort of ponderously eccentric fool , and Ken a kind of failure because he had so much wanted to travel , and instead had settled down with Mary , stayed in the same wee corner of the world as he 'd been born and raised in , and not only raised his own children , but chosen to teach others ' , too .
24 Our UK customers first began to look shaky and soon afterwards began to shut down at an alarming rate .
25 The rain certainly did come down during the night , it was so loud on the window the noise made it difficult to sleep .
26 At the time , the idea of a strong exclusive relationship was something that I did not actually want and I do n't think that even consciously at that time , I would have sought to have had that kind of relationship with David who was considerably younger than me and also , even though I was deeply into the whole scene and everything it represented , I do n't think I actually wanted to settle down with somebody who was a musician and was leading that sort of life style .
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