Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 My relationship with Crossman eventually became in some ways a comic one .
2 On the militarist question , there can be no doubt that the Boy Scouts made a significant contribution to the growth of the war mentality , although the early movement was nearly torn apart by the question of militarism which eventually led to break-away groups such as the Woodcraft Folk .
3 Throughout 1988 there were reports of growing unrest in Armenia which eventually erupted into major dashes , with tales of large-scale rioting and murder with tanks and troops on the streets .
4 Local private firms had built up a skilled work force that eventually drew in foreign multinationals on terms acceptable to the government .
5 When the fungus is finished with its host , large club-shaped fruiting structures punch out through the insect 's exoskeleton , leaving the lifeless husk grotesquely studded with bizarre outgrowths .
6 Tawney , Sadler , Bray , Gibb , Best and Ogden , and Dyer , among others , all argued for trade-based courses with an emphasis on practical instruction .
7 These courts were not subject to judicial review at all which only applied to administrative authorities and inferior courts .
8 As a way of avoiding crippling purchase tax , which only applied to completed goods , Mr Chapman came up with the idea of selling the car in kit form .
9 Mr Heseltine , when Secretary of State for the Environment , constantly argued for extra resources which were withheld by Mrs Thatcher and the Treasury , and succeeding ministers have been no more successful .
10 To Methodists the talk of collectivism remained largely a political debate because , despite their numerous schisms , all five Methodist connexions had strong central authorities much envied by some Baptists and Congregationalists .
11 This uneasy compromise was not a major difficulty during the first few years as the national economic problems of the early thirties , reductions in public expenditure and depressed employment conditions all led to severe restrictions on the development of adult education .
12 Some parts of the country showed more significant growth than others : on the east coast , the number of sailings not only rose in absolute terms between the 1460s and the early sixteenth century , but the proportion of those by English ships approximately doubled , although there were some exports which were largely carried in foreign vessels .
13 Another youth patrol fended off neighbouring peasants who constantly tried to fell trees belonging to the colony ( shades of Nikol'skaia volost' ) .
14 There were rainbow clumps of raw colour which sizzled and suddenly coiled into snakelike forms as she approached and lifted serpentine heads to hiss at her ; there were pouring cascades of things that had appeared to be silk or velvet , but which were molten gold when she got nearer and made her remember Fael-Inis and the cascading River and the salamanders .
15 I mean the only country I spent a lot of time in , in , in Europe is Austria , and then I only stopped in remote villages , you know , more or less , so er , I mean they rely on eh , tourist trade , they rely on tourist trade , where , where I 've
16 In 1651 Parliament appointed commissioners to sell Exmoor Forest , which was reported to be ‘ mountainous and cold ground , much beclouded with thick fogges and mists and … overgrown with heath and yielding but a poor kind of turf of little value there . ’
17 But I probably only used about five guitars in total .
18 Human populations were perpetually on the move , constantly prodded by environmental changes … ’
19 It seemed that the caretaker only came on fine days , so they were alone in the house .
20 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
21 Nevertheless , our weekly bill for provisions alone came to 25 shillings , or half of our total income .
22 As a teacher in the Philosophy of Science , Song constantly came across Jewish names like Einstein and Freud .
23 Europe has a destiny to fulfil , and in years to come it will become apparent that the best Europe is one which rejects interventionist mediocrity in favour of a European Community which will deliver the promise of a higher standard of living and political pre-eminence so justly deserved by all Europeans .
24 He also constantly experimented with new designs , and the Thomas splint for compound fractures of the lower limbs was widely used during World War I , from 1916 , for the transport of stretcher cases from the front to casualty stations , and saved many lives and limbs .
25 After all , her young people all came from good families .
26 Let loose on the family estancia during the holidays , he and Pedro had played cops and robbers on horses , and later polo with his cousins , who all came from large houses nearby .
27 He only played in four Tests but the sweater ( and his knotted silk scarf ) became his uniform .
28 Bidding was kept lively by a large number of Italian clients who according to one organiser all arrived in open Porsches with Milan number plates and invariably occupied front row seats ‘ flamboyant but not the very rich sort of Italians , you understand ’ , he said .
29 I could no longer talk or laugh freely , as I knew he only approved of serious moods and studies .
30 The secret policemen made themselves so hated by ordinary Iraqis that they now depend on the president 's protection almost as much as he depends on theirs .
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