Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] because [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The question has been so controversial because of uncertainty about the law relating to arbitrators and experts generally and because of the differences between the consequences of an expert 's decision and the consequences of an arbitration award .
2 It was timed to explode just 30 minutes later but because of a blunder the detonator failed to explode — the capital 's second lucky escape in just 16 days .
3 We 're also gon na look at where they live , remember what they 're income is etcetera and the important thing is because of these increases here and because of the recession in general , it dictated to us that there were gon na be more one and two person households .
4 The felling , trimming , cutting , absorbed him completely and because of the ferocity of the running chain it demanded his undivided attention .
5 Their eyes locked again but because of the closeness of him now Ruth could n't break the contact .
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