Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If , therefore , the lexical meaning of the verb has any negative or hypothetical value then by that very fact the speaker wholly or conditionally withdraws any assurance that the adjectival property will hold factually .
2 Had you broken them in properly or carefully plastered any sore areas beforehand ?
3 This is a major problem in Namibia , where almost all the private media are urban-oriented , reflec-ting mostly the interests and viewpoints of the urban elite while wittingly or unwittingly neglecting those of the rural inhabitants who constitute a greater percentage of the country 's total population .
4 This is a major problem in Namibia , where almost all the private media are urban-oriented , reflecting mostly the interests and viewpoints of the urban elite while wittingly or unwittingly neglecting those of the rural inhabitants who constitute a greater percentage of the country 's total population .
5 If it is required to cytogenetically demonstrate the activity or otherwise of paternally or maternally derived X chromosomes in cells of fetal origin , the first requirement is to mark one of them so that it can be distinguished from the other one .
6 Zander , rightly or wrongly shouldered much of the blame for the demise of the Fenland system in the late seventies — early eighties .
7 Individuals acclimatize to cold , for example , by adjusting physically , physiologically or psychologically following cold exposure .
8 She learned quickly and eagerly and soon acquired sufficient know-how to join Anne Mowbray in the small schoolroom .
9 True the banks made hundreds of imprudent loans in the 1970s and early 1980s ; they could hardly get rid of their money fast enough and virtually begged Third World governments to take it off their hands .
10 The Board have made four suggestions of ways in which the landscape can be used better and so attract more people :
11 In a more romantic mode , it is as though a thousand lone voices have suddenly and unexpectedly found common cause in one majestic chorus , which is now drowning out the discordant notes heard from beyond the main stage .
12 The money which has suddenly and mysteriously become available simply vanishes into thin air as Ruggiero Miletti magically reappears .
13 My guess is though , that if , if the age difference had been something like erm , seven or eight years , by the time your mother was asking you to give up sweets for your very much younger brother , you would probably have matured sufficiently and perhaps identified enough with your mother to see yourself playing a more kind of maternal role , as , you know the grown up sister .
14 When the can was half empty , he pulled open the rear door of the car , leaned in and liberally splashed most of the remaining gasoline over the spacious interior .
15 When the young are older , able to run with her , the vixen shepherds them to their new home , induces them to move in and somehow makes sure that they are disciplined enough to stay underground in this new home even when she is not with them .
16 Political institutions , such as parties , may share in and even legitimize that mediatory role .
17 Place the bulbs on a layer of fibre , then work in and gently firm more fibre around them .
18 The sun had gone in and everywhere seemed drab and grey .
19 see I was thinking this was gon na cost a lot , a lot of money to put the phone 's in , but its not , because you just put one line in and then put different bits up the line do n't you ?
20 Men can have one dark suit and wear it all day and no one will even notice , but women are expected to have the right clothes for lunch and afternoon tea and working in and then have some stunning outfit for evening .
21 Though owls , skuas and other predators move in and often enjoy successful breeding at their expense , the proliferating herbivores continue to outnumber them and to outpace the relatively low productivity of their food supply .
22 In a scene probably not that different to the one featured in the television ad , Hart knocked down and ultimately killed nine-year-old Sharon Townsend , mistaking the body beneath his wheels for ‘ a cardboard box ’ .
23 This month we need to break down and clearly define some of the different possibilities of the chameleon-like triplet groove .
24 As the liquid ascends , though , it cools down and thus gets denser , so that it must sink again .
25 Next Norman Bowler went down and also got embroiled , receiving a kick in the face that broke his jaw .
26 This patented technique removes the spikes ( or spurs ) from the radio signal just as the link is breaking down and also provides inaudible squelching .
27 You can imagine the population of th , of a nearby town , every now and again they would come down and perhaps throw some food over in this man 's direction a loaf of bread , a , a a a a a a , a hunk of meat or , some other food every now and again so he would keep alive .
28 Down there they will escape the buffetings of the storms to come and there too , where temperatures are much lower , their bodily process will slow down and so use less energy at a time in the year when there is little for these animals to eat .
29 And that sort of stuff used to go to America , because in er we had quite a big American market in those days because they did n't wash curtains in America , they used to put them up until they dar until they dropped down and then put new curtains up , you see ?
30 ‘ Tessa , Tessa , Tessa ! ’ said Dyson cheerfully , pressing his receiver rest down and then dialling another number .
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