Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pers pn] [vb base] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Even on a Sunday people come in and they phone and so on .
2 We never miss a face , but we know what order they come in and we try and serve them in turn .
3 But having said that I ca n't see a job where you can just kind of swan in and you know and think about a million different things in one day or whatever .
4 You are kind of dozing but you are not asleep because you ca n't get to sleep because there is a needle sticking in your arm and you have got a drip going on and they come and change the bag and you are constantly feeling sick .
5 do you see what I mean , right , sit and re-question close , right you can close them on ee do you want to include the extra window for two hundred pound , you follow me you 've hit them with a price you want to close them , right and you sit and do the paperwork and you just say to them do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds because you 've already said to them you , you give an extra , do you follow me ?
6 We all turned up to see the mighty Linfield toss Bangor aside and we go and spoil the party .
7 It 's not an exact ten minutes , it 's not an exact six hundred seconds , but what it is , is round about that period of time , after about ten minutes , what you do is you switch off and you go and do something else .
8 Now , it 's easy to see , if we 're talking about the kind of dreams that Reed was telling us about , erm , that there 's a simple wish with these dreams and in the end you wake up and you go and gratify the wish in that case .
9 ‘ I 'll get the car out and you go and make yourself respectable . ’
10 That bus ahead of this car if you get out and you go and turn right instead in the middle of the road .
11 It draws me back and I stand and look ,
12 The other thing is we sometimes get children around and they come and they just want to buy .
13 ‘ That she lives somewhere round here and you go and see her ? ’
14 It was there and I mean and the rooms were so small .
15 that was the first time we had an inkling there was anything , and that was the Sunday before we moved and he said do you mind if I come and bring the shed up and then I can stop in there and I go and have , a , anyway , he came with Alan and she made you a cup of coffee did n't she ?
16 It was right there and you know and
17 He went out there and you see and , and they drink wine instead of tea .
18 unfortunately and I know and that 's how much complicated bit
19 The family are beginning to bubble again and we stop and chat happily to the old couple .
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