Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] i go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And wheeling them to the ship you know , then after you 'd been there a long time , well my father was a down below and I went to his shop then you see .
2 Well I say , if we did and you just took it in and I went in the next day and picked it up .
3 And I er I went then when the na it was a nationalized this station was closed down and I went to Dolgarrog power station .
4 when I was sixteen because it 's then I started to get these free passes and I had a sister then who lived at Rye and I had never been across London so the next door neighbour came with me to see me across London er because I was so young you see and I said right as long as you show me across London I can come back alone , you see , and so I came back alone and I , that 's when I started , so from sixteen and er and as I say I went to Cambridge in the nineteen thirty one , it was the last day of well say nineteen thirty two , you see , and , and also in the twenties I was going on holiday alone and I went to once er to the Isle of Man and when I was er I , I sat next , well being by myself , you see , they put me in , to a little table near the wall .
5 Well it 's he 's , he gets up at six in the morning and I get up at about five o'clock and I go to bed later than him anyway normally , so it must be
6 She got in the bed to watch Neighbours and we came back about five o'clock and I went up the stairs , the T V was and he was erm out for count , so I left them for another hour and I said to mum
7 I do n't know if I 'm unique , I suspect I 'm not but I go to my two design people and I say right blah blah blah this is what we want to do but you organise the printer I want you as the designer to find a printer that you can work with but here 's my timescale and it 's up to them
8 The liner went in with no hassle at all , and I was grateful for Absat 's superior flexibility when the hose went on and I went into the rapidly filling hole to smooth out the creases .
9 ‘ But I felt really good early on and I went to the front and tried to keep a steady pace .
10 ’ His words trailed off and I went into his office .
11 His young master brought him in repeatedly and I went through the motions , trying at the same time to make it clear that it was all hopeless .
12 The chimney is blocked so I could n't light a fire to heat anything up and I went without a hot drink for those four days .
13 The following morning , the scout picked me up and I went for a trial .
14 And picked us up and I went in there and I were yeah half past eleven time .
15 The following week tests were carried out and I went with Dad to watch the Brigade endeavouring to pump water to the roof of Blooms the Drapers on The Canal — possibly the City 's tallest building .
16 I 'm ninety three now and I go in this back yard do something every time .
17 Well I 'd like you to try that one today but I go to pieces
18 We had a very impromptu meal which was brought out from somewhere near Bahrain because our landing area was in a small offshore sand strip where the Nos 55 and 84 Squadron aircraft ( also a Valentia from No 70 Squadron , which was our support aircraft ) were all based overnight and I went to sleep in this hot and humid place , The humidity factor at Bahrain was very high indeed , in the 90s , but I went to sleep quite comfortably on a groundsheet having dug a little hole for my not very considerable hips , weighing very little above 9 stone , and I settled down for the night .
19 My posting came through and I was posted to Swordstone this side of Norwich , so I was still quids in , I could get home once a week , twenty four hour pass and then erm after a while erm , having served at Regiment , I was posted up to , as the Sergeant Artillery Clerk with the Brigade , an ack-ack brigade up at Coventry , just outside Coventry and then of course the A T S were coming in , were coming in in quite large numbers then and they were replacing male personnel and then I was posted abroad and I went to Egypt where I was there again , fortunate enough , I suppose , to go into the echelon , the second echelon which was the Records Office of all the forces or the armoured personnel in the Middle East and I worked there until I was actually demobbed from there but I was out in Egypt there for two , just over two years , came back to Northampton where I was finally demobbed and allowed to come home and as I said I came home one week and I was back at work the next .
20 not really , always have more gravy , did n't , I did n't think the meat was as good , you did n't either and I went to another butcher because I thought it
21 His attorney had managed to get him to take them up again and I went to the prison to have the necessary papers signed .
22 I was in Bristol recently and I went to a bar there which is packed every night people pay to go into a club to go in there .
23 The first May I fell out my garden and put my elbow out , this , this , this one right out which makes it awkward for me to use now , you know , I , I put that right out and therefore erm I had to go at , up to hospital and put that right and the follow the following , the following May my bed caught alight with electric blanket and that blazed all up , had my , had my bed all alight my double bed , the electric blanket and I 'd only just had it serviced and that went , that was the second May and the third May we were going on an outing me and erm Arthur that was lodging with me and he , we got out of the taxi at Parndon and it , he just collapsed and died at me feet so that 's the , that was the end of that and I 've been living here you know , since he went , and erm I used to be able to get anywhere with one stick cos I had arthritis in this right hip you see , I could get anywhere with one stick in the taxi , or anywhere and I went to my son 's , er which is now coming , I 've been here about twelve years in this bungalow , er eight years erm , eight years ago in No this November gone , I went down to my son 's , it was rather slippery and he took me down in the car and I , as I got out erm the car I said to him mind it 's very slippery , he said I wo n't let you fall mother he said , so I went in , but as I came out with one stick he still had n't got anything down , you know , if it had been a , a sort of erm sand or something down I would n't of slipped and I got half way in his car and out I fell and caught this left hip on the step , on the step and I dislocated my hip and it 's right out of the socket like that , it should be , and I ca n't have it put back because I 've had several coronaries in my life time and I can not have it put back you see
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