Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing is worse than feeling screwed up inside or suffering from a sense of utter emptiness and loss of interest or emotion .
2 They concluded : ‘ We regard the omission as totally unacceptable ; without logic ; educationally insupportable ; and offensive to all those who fought in or suffered from the Nazis . ’
3 A House of Commons Select Committee found that local authorities had a considerable amount of discretion over what to include in or exclude from the secular curriculum .
4 The ARR did not require the reporting accountant to report on controlled trust accounts , although Part II of the SAR contained rules determining how a solicitor should deal with the movement of controlled trust money , ie the circumstances in which money could be paid in or withdrawn from a controlled trust account , and the records that had to be kept .
5 However , it has still to be spelt out , for instance , whether and how an applicant has to prove that an object was legally and lawfully located in or dispatched from a country .
6 It is clear from the Hang Seng Bank case [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 306 that in appropriate circumstances a company carrying on business in Hong Kong can earn profits which do not arise in or derive from the colony , notwithstanding the fact that those profits are not attributable to an independent overseas branch .
7 A seamen 's canteen licence only permits the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption in the canteen , and it is an offence to supply in or take from a seamen 's canteen liquor for consumption off the premises ( see s.96 ) .
8 ( 1 ) The Project Coordinating Team receives recommendations for specific schools to be included in or excluded from the project for the coming year .
9 ( h ) Windows The lease should make clear whether windows are included in or excluded from the demise , especially where the responsibility for repair is divided between landlord and tenant ( Reston v Hudson [ 1990 ] 2 EGLR 51 ) .
10 But if the profit was earned by the exploitation of property assets as by letting property , lending money or dealing in commodities or securities by buying and reselling at a profit , the profit will have arisen in or derived from the place where the property was let , the money was lent or the contracts of purchase and sale were effected .
11 The Supreme Court ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) held that the profits from the salvage operation were not ‘ profits arising in or derived from the colony ’ within the meaning of section 14(1) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance .
12 Furthermore the court 's alternative conclusion that the profit arose in or derived from the places where these assets were licensed erroneously presupposes that the rights in question had a fixed situs outside Hong Kong whence profits accrued not to the sub-licensees but to the taxpayer .
13 ‘ ( a ) the name of any person is without sufficient cause entered in or omitted from a company 's register of members , or ( b ) default is made or unnecessary delay takes place in entering on the register the fact of any person having ceased to be a member , the person aggrieved or any member of the company , or the company may apply to the court for rectification of the register . ’
14 The arguments before us ranged far and wide , as they did before the judge , but in the end they resolved into the following issues which I propose to consider seriatim. ( 1 ) Can a non-trading corporation sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation when no actual financial loss is pleaded or established ? ( 2 ) Does the right to freedom of expression affect the position where the non-trading corporation is also a public authority ? ( 3 ) Does the operation of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 , or any other matter contained in or omitted from the council 's statement of claim , preclude the council from continuing with this action ?
15 Then as you start to make the point you 'll find your hands will come up naturally and bend from the elbows it sounds crazy to say but if if you suddenly go coo I 've got everything in me pocket but
16 Then came the snow and she had to stay in and watch from the window how it piled up against the water butt , how it lay like a blanket along the sills , how it changed the distance from bluey brown to white as far as you could see .
17 The building they stayed in and entered from the ( largely unchanged ) foreshore may now be found behind a later front ; the walls of the Raasay House Johnson slept in are held prisoner within the nineteenth-century accreted façade ; one or two corridors may be seen and touched .
18 I kneel down and drink from the renewing , strengthening , sacred spring .
19 and the warden was there in her dressing gown trying to get her up and she could n't get her up this morning , so she had to get help , one of the workmen came along and helped from the top terrible to say though it is , yeah , never mind , they get over it
20 In this time , in the eleventh century , the Byzantine Empire flourished exceedingly and extended from the Euphrates to the Danube .
21 The plaintiff was born prematurely and suffered from an oxygen deficiency .
22 Take some of the favourite things that your child likes , mix them together and serve from a warm pot with a ladle .
23 But in another experiment 50 two-ton concrete slabs are to be chained together and dumped from a huge tilting steel platform about 6,750 ft above sea level .
24 My men , whom I had instructed to keep close together and sing from the time they left the camp until they joined me on the forest road , were not due for an hour and a half , and during this time it was more than likely that the tigress would break cover and try to stalk or rush me .
25 For a moment that bordered on eternity , Fran stared at the throbbing centre of her hand , then snatched it away and scrambled from the car , uncaring what interpretation he put on her haste .
26 Corbett whirled his big Welsh dagger , dug his spurs in and , shouting at the rest to follow him , broke through and galloped from the trees where the ambush had taken place .
27 The right side gets busy too soon and turns from the top of the backswing .
28 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
29 When the drill point is just through , turn the mirror over and drill from the other side .
30 One side is then printed and the sheet is then turned over and printed from the other edge using the same forme .
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