Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 On current spending education was essentially stabilised in real volume terms for over a decade , and the rates of growth in health and personal social services slowed down or ceased for some periods .
2 I got out of bed suddenly and fumbled for some money .
3 Using the Black-Scholes model , evaluate the following calls and puts and compare your answers with the market values given below and account for any discrepancies : .
4 He reeled in and prepared for another cast , seeming absorbed by his task .
5 Rotas for house cleaning , loo disinfecting , washing up , cooker cleaning and decisions about kitty and shopping for basic shared commodities such as tea , coffee , loo paper , need to be clearly written down and displayed for all to see .
6 Slithering through damp meadows at night , wriggling over rocks and up waterfalls , even finding their way into mountain streams , ten thousand feet up in the Alps — in these resting spots , they settle down and live for many years .
7 and erm and erm I would really formally ask the board if , if there is any objection to our deliberations being recorded and taken down and used for another purpose .
8 When he gets home he will sit down and weep for all his hopes and plans and dreams .
9 It comes from critics who imagine themselves penning formidable papers which , like those of Gregor Mendel , are hidden away or ignored for many years — and do not fare too well , therefore , in ISI 's listings .
10 The snow was beginning to turn to rain next morning and , although the ground was white right to the shores , we all went ashore and walked for several hours .
11 Fifteen miles south of Garberville my eyes began to close and I pulled over and slept for half an hour .
12 It is easy enough to see how someone , especially someone who has suffered a childhood of poverty , can be led to a fear of emptiness , of not getting enough to eat , of starvation itself , and so in later life to stave off or compensate for such a fear .
13 Erm the tools were made up in a kit and er every time there was a work study exercise done on a job , er the tools were all numbered and laid aside and registered for that particular item .
14 I better back off and wait for another day . ’
15 Sam wants the plane and all the coke in it and Dwayne and the rest can fuck off and die for all he cares .
16 Another interesting question is whether you have any right of redress if , while continuing to pay your salary , your employer does not give you any work to do , perhaps sending you home and saying for some reason , ‘ Do n't call us , we 'll call you ’ .
17 Fish featured largely in our diet during our stay , and being a keen fisherman I longed to get offshore and try for some of the bigger game fish .
18 His canny bank manager approach probably means he will hasten slowly but prepare for some stand-offs with his civil servants and possibly with the chairman of British Rail too .
19 Sonny Worthington , who 's twenty five , was beaten up and dragged for half a mile by the car in Banbury almost two weeks ago .
20 They came up and fought for half an hour till they was both flat on their backs , on the waste land there .
21 ‘ This crisis takes two forms : the size of the prison population ’ ( combined with the lack of prison places and the running expenses of locking up and catering for such a large number of prisoners ) ‘ and the demands on the probation and after-care service ’ ( Bottoms , 1990a : 5 ) .
22 It is the only way the women of West Belfast are able to actually able to take on further education and if you ca n't stand up and fight for that then West Belfast is not working .
23 Many are incurable strays which wander off time and time again , many are untrustworthy or dangerously aggressive dogs who may have been thrown out or dumped for this reason .
24 ‘ There is one Mr. Milne , officer at Oldcambus , a very old man quite worn out & unfitt for that station & is expected that he ca n't live much longer ’ , an eager applicant for a place advised Hugh Scott , the member of parliament of Berwickshire .
25 I remember one near thing when one scrambled out and ran for some sixty feet along the hedge , pursued instantly by the low-flying hawk .
26 The horn was taken home to Laigh Corton where it was hollowed out and used for many years as a bolting or drenching tube for giving medicine to animals .
27 For the time being , find the Prior and tell him that I am back and arrange for some hot water to be brought here . ’
28 Although there are many other causes of coprolalia , the essential diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of Tourette 's syndrome is the onset , before the age of 21 , of multiple motor and one or more vocal tics , which have recurred frequently and persisted for more than a year .
29 These were launched a year ago and implemented for all new capital expenditure projects from September 1992 .
30 ‘ Sure there 's only me that can do nothing but lie here and pray for all of you . ’
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