Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] i have " in BNC.

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1 There is a hand-out on professional telephone behaviour , a hand-out on the pleas from the switchboard supervisor , and also a form , a course form , if you could take that with you fill it in and let me have it back sometime .
2 Suddenly I just could n't stand it any longer and said I 've GOT to push and she came out like a champagne cork at 8.15 a.m .
3 Will you go away and let me have a serious discussion with my nephew without these constant interruptions ?
4 How many people go back home and say I had an affair ?
5 you know , but I mean at the moment I keep , he 's coming home some nights and , you know it like , he 'll come home and say I had a really good morning the kids were great , but as for the afternoon , and like he said when you 're teaching you 're only as good as your last lesson , you know
6 And if she came up and thought I had n't washed properly she would push my head under the water and hold it there .
7 The question is therefore asked with an implication attached to it of ‘ do I have to start getting really worried now or do I have time to adjust to this bad news ? ’
8 Sheena , can I be the odd one out and say I 've been in love with one man for forty five years , I have n't heard any body saying any thing very nice about that , I would like to say its wonderful .
9 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
10 ‘ Dennis , lovie , can you type this out now and let me have a copy ?
11 But if I write back and say I have n't actually had any wages since the seventeenth of January I might get it backdated from then .
12 If he , he does n't want to talk about potential because it will er not make the , the , the necessary action immediate , but if he can come back and say I 've seen and I know what 's going on
13 I do n't want to come there and find I have nothing to do . ’
14 I 'll bring my matches when I like take the dog in I 'll nip upstairs and say I 've got ta get something and I 'll just grab my matches out of there in case he 's lost them or something !
15 If anyone takes the mickey I turn round and say I 've got a daughter . "
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