Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] i [pron] " in BNC.

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1 People keep coming in and telling me I 'm doing wonderfully — but where 's the baby ?
2 Come in and tell me your news . ’
3 Martin came in and told me I was supposed to be upstairs , Steve was has gone into where I was so
4 Paul ( Myers ) sat me down and asked me what I liked to play , and I mentioned all the things I do , including these transcriptions .
5 Come and sit down and tell me what 's been happening . ’
6 Come , sit down and tell me what is the cause of this extraordinary behaviour . ’
7 ‘ You 'd better sit down and tell me what you want me to do . ’
8 Why do n't you sit down and tell me what you want for Christmas .
9 As I got up , the man from the radio came over and asked me what it was like as he was getting forced into doing it later on .
10 ‘ After Nicholl was sacked Ian Branfoot took over and told me I had no future under him . ’
11 Meet Helen , see if you like her , and then you can think it over and give me your decision later .
12 ‘ The ref called me over and gave me my marching orders , ’ said Mick .
13 ‘ The ref called me over and gave me my marching orders .
14 Well , now go on and tell me me good side . ’
15 If he walks off and leaves me someone might see me left on my own ’ . ’
16 ‘ You can carry on doing my washing , if that will please you — and knowing you as I do , I do n't doubt you 'll be in here at least once or twice a week clearing things up and telling me what a mess I 'm living in — just as you do now .
17 This had some value , leading old ladies to get up and give me their seat on public transport .
18 Well if i if it comes up and tells me there 's no airlines there , then I can assume that there 's no airlines !
19 Cos somebody came up and told me which is even more rude .
20 One day the screw came up and told me I had a visit down in the solicitor 's ; I went down and this man presented himself as a court welfare officer .
21 Has anyone rung up and told me I 've won a million pounds ?
22 I ca n't see you 'll have to pick it up and show me I 'm not climbing over the chair to look show me .
23 I would never , ever have said I was anorexic , until a neighbour and now a close friend , Anita , came out and labelled me one .
24 I let her get them out and offer me one before I shook my head .
25 When you 've done that homework , then you 'll come back and give me your answer . ’
26 I said : ‘ Lay back and give me your most erotic poses .
27 And they come back and see me what they taken from here and seen in other papers is a privilege for me if I 've set them off in my biased Welsh way . .
28 ‘ Not just now but tell me your address and I 'll be sure to bring you any boots that need working on , right ? ’
29 And he said , ‘ Go down to Market Time and buy ‘ Are You Experienced ’ by Jimi Hendrix , go home and listen to it and then come back tomorrow and tell me what you thought .
30 We hardly shared any interests and as time went on , she started to boss me around and tell me what was right to buy and what was wrong .
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