Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] have ask [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally Richard had asked her where I was and when , realizing what she had done , she said I was at her flat , he had telephoned Jack and discovered this was untrue .
2 It would never have occurred to Nathan Holland , the young man on whose arm she leant , to think of such a thing ; he had worked with Paul Arkwright in the publishing house which turned out many of the latter 's books on philosophy , and soon Paul had asked him , knowing his astonishing gift for languages , if he would translate some of them .
3 Well Jenny 's asked her you see .
4 Still , she liked one or two of the collective , Xanthe had put some money in ( actually five hundred pounds , a fair whack ) when Miranda had asked her to , so she felt bound to give the paper some support in kind , and the office was fun — she liked pitching in with headings , sidebars , suggested stories , and pasting up till the small hours , with the help of ciggies and carafe wine ; the sex gossip was the best in town , which made up for the coffee ( though they could afford dope , they could n't rise to real coffee , and had at one time even resorted to the bitter brown syrup Camp , with the turbaned lascar on the label ) .
5 This was the place where Troy had asked her to meet him .
6 My mind went back a couple of months to when Charlie 'd asked me if I 'd like to make a bit on the side .
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