Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] be [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Administratively Korea was dealt with by the Colonial Ministry until 1942 when the Home Ministry assumed responsibility .
2 And so Oliver was left with only the drunken nurse .
3 Morris , the Gloucester left wing , did not move to cover Swift as he sprinted across again from the right wing , so Swift was left with such a clear overlap when Guscott and Fallon gave him the ball that he was able to score unopposed .
4 Once more Italy is faced with parliamentary chaos , but Italians are well versed in the Neapolitans ' skill in the choreography of ‘ order in disorder ’ .
5 Traditionally Vahumpuras were associated with the making of jaggery , a sweet substance derived from the jaggery palm tree .
6 Now France was regarded with suspicion but not feared , and her Emperor forced to seek co-operation rather than able to impose his will .
7 Now John is covered with anti-fungals and full of antibiotics and painkillers .
8 Just a few weeks ago Safet was re-united with his mother , wife , and the daughter he had never seen , Emina .
9 Here Aphrodite is shown with her hand on Priapus ( god of fruitfulness ) , and she has a tiny figure of Eros sitting below her feet .
10 It was then Ruth was filled with such an anger that she had to crush tight her fists to stop herself from flying up the steps to beat at Fernando 's chest .
11 And then Ellie was exasperated with herself for even caring .
12 So then Jean-Marie was charged with his murder .
13 Again Shiona was filled with the urge to say it , to hurt him as he had so often hurt her .
14 Presidential elections were held on March 19 , 1989 , when Cristiani was elected with 53.8 per cent of the vote [ see p. 36520 ] .
15 Why , for example , one of the , the points that Freud 's book makes , is er when Wilson was confronted with a conflict , particularly with a stronger male , like an elder brother , or his father , he would retreat into speech making , and apparently he used to have a barn where he did it , and he used to go and give speeches in the barn .
16 Accordingly Morris was applied with the result that the accused was not guilty because the shop manager had consented to the taking of the items .
17 Once again Jesus was faced with the problem of answering .
18 Policewoman Trish Issacs dressed in identical clothes for the walk through Trowbridge , Wilts , to the house where Tracey was found with her throat slashed .
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