Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unsurprisingly Hilliard was in Birmingham when he made this impassioned outburst against machinery .
2 So Christopher 's in primary seven ?
3 Perhaps Matthew was in love with Jenny , as much as he could be in love with anyone .
4 She had chosen a day when only Paige was at home , the staff having taken their regular day off .
5 So Diana was among friends , but she was still enormously nervous on her first visit to the BDA headquarters in Carlisle .
6 Tonight , only Preston was in torment .
7 So Tasha 's at Langley Mill did I hear ?
8 Ellie is due to foal any day and naturally Margaret is on tenderhooks .
9 Meanwhile Bernard was in London opening the biggest ‘ Laura Ashley ’ shop yet ( 4,200 sq .
10 The entire novel is written in a series of letters : Celie 's semi-literate ones to God ( the only confidante she can find ) which tell of her ugly sexual experiences as a child and wife , her separation from her beloved sister Nettie and ultimately her triumphant love for her husband 's beautiful lover ; Nettie 's letters to Celie ; and finally Celie 's to Nettie .
11 The trick is to make them think you 're buying them from Harrods , not Woolworth 's at sale time . )
12 The horse stamped anxiously as stones were dislodged , but instinct kept him still and soon Felipe was beside Maggie , both of them pressed to the edge of the cliff .
13 For that reason you would have had to be silenced once Graham was in custody .
14 Yesterday Lis was at Bodafon Junior School , Craigside , Llandudno to help publicise the scheme and see project work about the Philippines carried out by pupils .
15 I 'd like we had more Cadbury 's in Birmingham once .
16 The more Jack was in demand , as a lecturer , teacher , and man of letters , the more danger there was that Warnie would be thrown back on his own society or , worse , on that of Mrs Moore .
17 For the first time ever Kate was in charge and Dan was not sure how to act .
18 But clearly Manningham was in love with the girl .
19 seven minutes later Pikey was on target again with a header and united were two -one up …
20 seven minutes later Pikey was on target again with a header and united were two -one up …
21 The graves of both Brunels are in London 's Kensal Green Cemetery .
22 Whenever Mars is in Scorpio , megalomaniacs go into a hyperactive frenzy .
23 Erm I wo n't dwell on York city centre and its historic core because you 're all clearly aware of that , but it its setting was accepted at the greenbelt enquiry as being sufficiently important to warrant protection wider than just its physical , existing physical limits , erm the special protection was accorded also to the the special character rather was accorded also to the surrounding countryside , much of which is very attractive , and many of the typical Yorkshire small villages and hamlets that surround the area as well , er and we 're clearly in a position in Greater York which is different from the position that arises in many other counties and many other districts within this county , we 're in a position of grave shortage of suitable , developable land , we 're in a position of high quality er character , and landscape , we 're in a position where York , in particular , has extremely good transportation links , to the Leeds Bradford conurbation , where we discuss at length over the last two days there are policies for urban regeneration , subject to regional planning guidance in that area erm and we 're in a position where quite clearly York is under pressure , a great deal of pressure from migrants , er because it 's a it 's an attractive location to live .
24 Whenever Benjamin was in London he always visited her .
25 McBride 's intervention at such a crucial stage visibly lifted the Irish and six minutes later Elwood was on target with the first of his penalties .
26 ‘ They were just kids play acting and now Troy is on death row . ’
27 First we had Sainsbury 's The Magazine , then appeared our new format Journal , and now Homebase is in action .
28 After all , now Tommy 's in America and Ebbie 's been gathered , I 've nobody else to care for .
29 Erm now John 's on folders but there is another product range and that 's the er
30 And she says Jean you know well you can see er she says you know the day before Ros was in Lisburn and she says you know the way when you 're standing and from the back you can feel somebody that their eyes are penetrating through you and she said she happened to turn round and there she 's sitting in , in this girl 's car and just er looked at her like that .
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