Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] [vb past] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So Johnny had been afforded a glimpse of her own time , had he ?
2 The prospects would have been even brighter if only Russia had been blessed with a less benighted tsar .
3 So Adam had been let be .
4 Hitherto Theodoric had been regarded by the emperor as the senior figure in the barbarian west : now Clovis was to supplant him .
5 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
6 At the A.G.M. , the committee meeting that followed and at the Annual Dinner that evening , contributions for Judith 's leaving present were asked for and it very quickly became apparent how highly Judith had been regarded .
7 Perhaps Harriet had been roused by Pringle 's stentorian cry .
8 The news that Karen and I were married was made public at a buffet brunch given by Thomas and Lynn Carter to which we had been invited — or rather Karen had been invited , and had asked if it would be all right to bring me along .
9 Perhaps the question of whether or not Sykes had been arrested was only a technicality .
10 Anyway Ricky had been buttonholed outside the church by the gay Vicar and scores of eager ladies .
11 I was not aware how badly Eddie had been injured , but understood that he was comfortable ; this information came much later .
12 Leading Kuwaiti exiles convened in Taif in October for a " popular congress " at which the Sabahs indicated to opposition leaders that new democratic institutions would be created once Kuwait had been freed [ see p. 37759 ] .
13 Iris had a similar block in her kitchen ; once Melissa remembered being asked to hand her one f the knives .
14 In January 1326 Isabella wrote to Bishop Stratford , now back in England , indicating that she would not return until both Despensers had been banished from court .
15 Traditionally Asiatics had been employed east of Suez and hired on " Asiatic Articles of Agreement " , a practice which seems to have been generally acceptable since it involved sailing chiefly in Indian and Far Eastern waters .
16 Now Jenny had been sent off to Rome by her father .
17 Today , Abul Ismail had stayed at her side , and now Nicholas had been banished from the sickroom .
18 Now Brittany had been given assurances by the present King of England 's father that the Tudors would fight to protect Brittany 's independence . ’
19 Mrs Meikle said just two days ago Graham had been seen in a local pub .
20 Twelve months ago Tom had been placed two half-days each week in an off-site unit for disruptive children .
21 Many were so appalling that even Himmler had been known to walk out of the showings , sick to the stomach .
22 The only time little Cipolla had been allowed to speak was when they had asked him :
23 Then Kauffman had been moved to join Frank and Carton came here with Tom .
24 M. Grimaud told her how Nîmes had been settled by the veterans of Octavius 's victory over Antony and Cleopatra , whose names , Antonin , Numa , Flavien , Adrien , persisted , even today , as did the emblem of the defeat of the serpent of old Nile , the Nîmes chained crocodile .
25 Also , Tilly had decided that she could not now reveal the news she had brought with her this morning ; shocking news , news that told how Richard had been cheated and deceived by his own wife … and devastating news of Beth … how she was not safe and happy with Tyler Blacklock , as they had first thought , and how she also had been betrayed , both by her own brother Ben , and by the woman who had raised her from a child .
26 Only a few days earlier England had been knocked out of the World Cup by West Germany .
27 My father described to me how the Guides had arrived and gone straight into action after marching day and night from the Punjab ; how Nicholson had been killed leading the troops as they stormed the ramparts of Delhi .
28 Two runs earlier Sidhu had been dropped by Reiffel in the gully off McDermott : it was the 29th chance dropped by the home side in the series , nine of them off McDermott .
29 Recalling how Meh'Lindi had been violated on that other occasion , Jaq feared for her sanity once her psychic hood was removed .
30 I made her laugh and she reminded me of how Robin had been conceived .
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