Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] have [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a Southerner you will only recently have become aware about the passion for the game up here .
2 It was conceivable that , as the area chairmen feared , higher prices in domestic tariffs would not only have discouraged undesirable loads such as peak space heating , but also the ones such as water heating and cooking which helped them in their overall commercial strategy and were largely off-peak .
3 The level of Telford 's line was 54 feet lower than Barnes 's and , having fewer locks , would not only have used less water , but also more water could have been drained into it .
4 They could not easily have found any other body with which they could compare themselves , and in any case the House of Commons of the 1620s was itself not very important .
5 Its leaders were often student radicals , members of groups like the SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society ) ; but the wave of protest took in many young people who would not normally have got involved in politics .
6 Legislators will not normally have had prior experience of governing , nor do they provide a government-in-waiting , as in the United Kingdom .
7 We should not regard their ‘ invention ’ of a structured gestural language as grounds for believing that earlier hominid handwaving could thus rapidly have attained parsable results .
8 Because it used not to understand markets , it can not conceivably have rectified this gap in its political intelligence .
9 It occurs to me now that the man might just possibly have meant this in a humorous sort of way ; that is to say , he intended it as a bantering remark .
10 The point is that the experts were convinced Leakey was wrong when they could not possibly have known this to be the case In his rollicking ‘ Steady-state cosmology revisited ’ , Sir Fred Hoyle recounts what occurred when a paper submitted by his fellow astrophysicist Sir Hermann Bondi was set before that august body , the Royal Astronomical Society .
11 That would have lost them the election , even supposing that such an announcement would not also have alienated any working class Labour supporters .
12 Eliot himself could not legally have signed such a document since he was separated from her .
13 He had got a prize for the design , although the users of it would not now have endorsed this since it was both hot and noisy .
14 Had he missed the cut , Woosnam would not even have had that to watch on Saturday , since the network went off the air with about an hour 's play left in a move that would have angered Great Britain .
15 Excuse me , Lord , but parts of your planet are poisoned , although you may not yet have discovered that fact for yourselves .
16 If British Rail builds a railway line in South Wales by employing construction workers who would otherwise have been unemployed , the cost includes the wages of construction workers , but these do not represent a social cost if they would not otherwise have produced any goods .
17 And Gee ( 1975 : 311 ) argues that whereas in I helped them carry the load " I take part in the carrying " , this is not necessarily implied by the sentence with to , where " I need not actually have done any carrying " , as shown by : ( 16a ) I helped them to carry the load by having my secretary get them a cart .
18 This made him easier to take home for the night ; people who would normally never have approached such a beauty felt that they could .
19 If these proceedings do not result in termination of the lease , a tenant will probably still have incurred considerable legal expense — payment of the landlord 's legal costs for taking these forfeiture proceedings .
20 There are all sorts of people involved and the various underground factions , that maybe that one has , er as , probably as an afterthought er considered that , that maybe money in the release of any Western hostages , that may be where the story has come from , but certainly from the informed sources , and the , the , er certainly on the evidence of past hostages releases , er we would n't really have expected that er ransom would be demanded , obviously we have to wait and see when er , when the hostages are set free .
21 And er , I should n't really have started this over because Lawrence takes so long to go through it , erm , find Johnson waiting , think it right .
22 I mean certainly I have to say I think most journalists would n't even have noticed that
23 She wore a wedding ring , but she could surely never have had any children of her own .
24 ( As for my other questions : a pot of the jam could indeed have survived until now , but would almost certainly have turned brown , unless kept completely sealed in a dry , airy , pitch-dark room . )
25 A further point which suggests that these provisions , if not actually written in his reign , were in any event written not long after his death is the fact that the medrese attached to the mosque of Bayezid II in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 and of higher rank than the Sahn , would almost certainly have received some mention in any such provisions written subsequent to that date .
26 Observational surveys by Tombaugh , Kowal and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ( IRAS ) would almost certainly have revealed another Pluto or larger planet , but their failure to do so has not stopped many predictions from being made , including two more in just the past year .
27 He would almost certainly have felt disgusted and perhaps angry , but would he have felt insulted ?
28 It should also be noted that breaches tend to have a ‘ ripple effect ’ and that a practitioner who does not fully understand his obligations has only to proffer one piece of investment advice ( which may in itself be perfectly sound ) and he will almost certainly have breached several regulations in the process .
29 As he listened with mounting alarm he began to realise that the flames would almost certainly have reduced some of the world 's finest baroque woodcarving to lumps of featureless charcoal .
30 One matter which I should like to have seen included would almost certainly have merited parliamentary discussion before the inevitable dissolution of this Parliament , which will make this a short Session .
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