Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] we [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 So perhaps we need to be more concerned with providing the right environment and with removing constraints than with creating ‘ master plans ’ .
2 All that we have described so far we believe to be common to visionary leadership in general .
3 And anyway so we went to er over to Egypt and then it was when we came back and I I , the other morning on the radio they was talking about asking people to ring in about , I 've never rang in , I never bother ring , er how they spent their twenty first birthday .
4 But soon afterwards we moved to London and got divorced three or four years later .
5 Shortly afterwards we returned to English prep schools , where I quickly had my French beaten out of me in French grammar classes , and where Lorne responded by continuing to be unable to talk or , rather , to speak in any known language , for he would hold forth volubly in a tongue uniquely his own .
6 Shortly afterwards we moved to , and we lived there for many years .
7 Still more rarely we go to a place simply because of what someone has written about it and that journey becomes both an expression of gratitude and a way of filling a need within ourselves .
8 A long time ago when I was six years old me and Neil went out mise chifing I chut a stown and it naile it a wondow then we ran off then we came to somedody garben then we clad up there tree and shouted fatet .
9 Once again we return to the old advice to practise at a safe height .
10 Places are determined in relation to entities , which means that if places are to perform their individuative function , it is necessary to assume the numerical uniqueness of the entities that act as our frame of reference , and so once again we seem to be caught in a circular argument .
11 Right now we want to , that 's it , that 's the bit with his spot , big brown spot .
12 Er few problems with the job before we started or during the job er , come back to us for a six so far so we have to What we will do is drop them down and Er another problem with the job is we 're about three week 's behind er arranged for them to come in on Monday .
13 So before even we get to , is it continuous functions ?
14 Summer gales were rarely of long duration in our experience , and if it blew really hard we used to snug down in the lee of one of the many anchorages and take to the hills for a change .
15 Erm , good , now then we come to er , well perhaps I should ask first whether anyone wishes to raise any questions arising out of those er , minutes ?
16 Well so we went to the I L P and er at this time we started getting er a class together in the , where I worked there was a hundred men and hundred lads , approximately .
17 Well now we go to Mr .
18 Well now we come to West Birk Hatt and the Fawcett family , and really wonderful people they were .
19 They might , in some cases , indicate a facility of explicitness , but even here we have to be careful since what is or is not explicit is always relative .
20 Well firstly we need to it it 's part of our training .
21 However language does not just reflect the society in which we live , it also contributes to how we experience that reality and how much we contribute to keeping things as they are .
22 We tend to take our water for granted , a turn of the tap and we have all we need , but we should consider more this most important mineral , without which we could not exist , the dry summer of 1976 proving how much we owe to water companies and the men who operate them .
23 Well our lovely trip was to Athens last year , yes , erm when we did the Britten 's War Requiem beneath the Acropolis in the old amphitheatre there and that was an experience that we 'll all remember , and then previously we went to Lisbon , which was very exciting — it was a completely different sort of experience .
24 The last two years it 's been falling apart so we have to ke kept kept folding the wheels back on
25 Interviewer : Can people say round here We go to the movies anymore ?
26 Money is tight so we need to be quite clear on I mean for instance I mean the seats have been recovered you know people smoking in the seats when they should n't be smoking and putting they 're putting their cigarette 's out on the floor I do n't know
27 We 're fortunate in having an excellent blacksmith called John who 's also the Minster 's blacksmith , who manages all our ironwork very cheaply we have to d he 's so busy we have to just get it when we can .
28 When we heard that the end was very near we drove to Nottingham straight away , but arrived just too late .
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