Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] or [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I had only once or twice done jobs for high SenFed aristocrats or , for royalty .
2 I think reprisals against people only distantly or circumstantially connected with those who have done others wrong are to make the people doing the avenging feel good .
3 Factory life in the age of automation has never recently been so closely or sensitively examined .
4 On Ruth 's bed lay a brown-haired whimpering female child , also draped in a shawl and with dabs of make-up less hectically or successfully applied to its face .
5 IPC Magazines is undoubtedly at the top of the list with its ‘ across the board ’ implementation plans ; several titles are already wholly or partly created in this way .
6 Vocatives in general are an interesting grammatical category , again underexplored , Vocatives are noun phrases that refer to the addressee , but are not syntactically or semantically incorporated as the arguments of a predicate ; they are rather set apart prosodically from the body , of a sentence that may accompany them .
7 The rule is plainly phonological , as it affects phonetically similar pairs that are not morphologically or semantically related , as in table 5.2 .
8 The subsection provides a simple method of solving the difficulty created if a licensing board is not timeously or fully elected .
9 The law sets out a variety of safeguards to ensure that suspects are not unfairly or harshly treated when they are detained for questioning .
10 ‘ In the first place , there is the doctrine , which may now perhaps be regarded as a rule of evidence , that , if a voluntary disposition in favour of the husband is impeached , the burden of establishing that it was not improperly or unfairly procured may be placed upon him by proof of circumstances raising any doubt or suspicion .
11 Formal treaty amendment of constitutive treaties is not lightly or frequently undertaken .
12 The wife used to wait for somebody coming in the shop to buy something and then she 'd go out and get a a bit of meat and we 'd have a dinner , and er we had seven months of that before I was eventually more or less forced to go back .
13 Unlike the versions of feminist psychology examined before , associative feminist psychologies are rarely deliberately or self-consciously adopted .
14 ( There was an Act of Parliament in the reign of George I , just when this house was being built , which decreed that their measurements should not be less than 13½in by 9½in by ½in ; , and these dimensions are still more or less adhered to today . )
15 Partly by way of compensation , the government lent its favour increasingly to the allegedly more cost-effective polytechnics ( now made independent of local authorities ) , and to more practically or vocationally orientated institutions such as business schools .
16 Such analytic paraphrases are usually conducted from the position of a specific ( even though not always openly or clearly stated ) ontological bias ; and often the assumption is made that all purportive references to " non-meanings " in factual statements , in the final analysis , can be translated into references to ontological existents of the preferred sort .
17 If the judge or district judge is satisfied that any proceedings can be more conveniently or fairly dealt with in some other court , he may order the action or matter itself to be transferred to that court ( Ord 16 , r 1 ) .
18 I 'm thinking actually of here in the university itself , we 've got three different groups in those areas that are now collaborating , and I think we 've got a good chance of _ especially in the area of schools curricula — but also in the area , I think , of helping business people , and I 'm thinking now of senior management , who might be your and my age , Brian , for whom computers did n't exist when we went through university or college , erm who 've probably more or less given up any hope of understanding it and understanding the computer boffins who have taken over — almost taken over the company at times , one suspects .
19 While H.261 and JPEG standards are both more or less finalised , the MPEG standard is still under discussion .
20 Social relations typical of the integrated professional market persisted into this phase , but there was also a significant development of new social relations , for some kinds of writer , who were now effectively or wholly employed within the new corporate structures .
21 A second element of the state system which requires investigation is the administrative one , which now extends far beyond the traditional bureaucracy of the state , and which encompasses a large variety of bodies , often related to particular ministerial departments , or enjoying a greater or lesser degree of autonomy public corporations , central banks , regulatory commissions , etc. and concerned with the management of the economic , social , cultural and other activities in which the state is now directly or indirectly involved .
22 Courts have often explicitly or implicitly balanced the interests of the individual with the effects on the administration in deciding where the line should be drawn on many of the issues which comprise the content of natural justice .
23 As a result of these anti-avoidance provisions , the foreign business carve-out is excluded , and the general COB Rules apply in relation to the customer concerned , where : ( 1 ) A UK office executes a transaction with or for a UK private customer on the instructions of a non-UK office ; or ( 2 ) A UK office gives investment advice in relation to any transaction to a non-UK office , which the non-UK office passes on to ( or uses for the benefit of ) a UK private customer if ( in either case ) : ( a ) the UK office itself transmitted the order to a non-UK office of the firm ( even if a different one from that instructing it ) ; ( b ) the UK office has itself advised the customer in relation to the transaction concerned ( and the customer has then directly or indirectly given the order to the non-UK office which deals through the UK office ) ; or ( c ) the UK office has advised the customer to deal through or seek advice from a non-UK office of the firm ( even if the relevant prescribed disclosure was made ) .
24 An identification is then implicitly or explicitly made with parallel forms of political struggle in our own day .
25 Unless otherwise expressly or implicitly provided by statute , illegality does not render a contract totally void only unenforceable .
26 Most corporation dwellings are either inadequately or extravagantly heated .
27 In other words , the visitor has been either expressly or implicitly invited to the premises .
28 Surveys of technique often include more rewarding art criticism than either chronologically or geographically based books .
29 The only winches which will fit are either electrically or hydraulically powered .
30 Taking advantage of this situation , Napoleon decided that the time had come to redraw the map of Italy , which , since 1815 , had been either directly or indirectly ruled by Austria .
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