Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 First , all the groups to whom the hon. Gentleman has referred were hit much harder by the policies of high taxation and raging inflation over which the Labour Government presided .
32 When grouped together with others , the climbing sports are correctly prefixed by the word ‘ climbing ’ to distinguish the subject from the bush type , for example ‘ Shot Silk ’ and ‘ Climbing Shot Silk ’ , or sometimes less noticeably by the word abbreviated to ‘ Clg ’ after the name , for example ‘ Shot Silk Clg ’ .
33 The place is electric with drama , with something weighty , weighted down more by the pressure of the storm .
34 saying you know , we need a sum of money and Mary will help me with the marketing of that and hopefully after that we would , go on enough to keep us going , so hopefully by the time Christmas comes
35 From 1836 he visited Italy on more than one occasion , but these travels appear to have been prompted more by recreational than professional pursuits — he made a collection of Roman coins , medals , and other antiquities — and perhaps also by the state of his health .
36 It has often been suggested that the active self-government practised by the Athenians was only made possible by the existence of slavery , and perhaps also by the existence of empire as a source of revenue to pay for democracy .
37 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
38 Similarly the efficiency of a hospital should not be judged just by the number of operations completed , but perhaps also by the effectiveness of the operations .
39 The 500-KW pressurized light water reactor , in operation since 1972 , was shut down automatically by an emergency cooling system which flooded the reactor core , thereby avoiding the risk of a partial " meltdown " similar to that at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania in 1979 [ see p. 29991 ] .
40 The reactor was shut down automatically by an emergency cooling system , which floods the reactor core , thereby avoiding the risk of a partial " meltdown " , similar to that which occurred in Three Mile Island , Pennsylvania , in 1979 .
41 The day was marred only slightly by the presence of a few of that fraternity who find out about all such events , spend the whole day taking photographs and video and contribute very little or nothing back into the hobby .
42 The situation had improved only slightly by the end of the 1980s .
43 The noises of the place went on around him , muffled only slightly by the mists and vapours ; he could hear shouted instructions and curses , the clanking of ladles and giant spatulas , the hiss and splutter of frying , the sloshing of water and soups , the grating of giant pans being moved , the machine-gun chatter of chopping knives .
44 No one actually said that she was a jealous , greedy woman ; it was implied sufficiently clearly by the facts .
45 There were some fifteen minutes of questions — dealt with exceedingly briskly by the speaker , I may say .
46 At the other end of the tourist season , Britain has a log-jam of holiday weekends , particularly if Easter is late , when it is followed closely by May Day and not much later by the spring bank holiday .
47 It 's the largest subject created so far by a foundry which specialises in works of art by sculptors from Britain and Europe .
48 It 's the largest subject created so far by a foundry which specialises in works of art by sculptors from Britain and Europe .
49 Those seen so far by the Guardian are highly unflattering .
50 At Newbury this afternoon Richard Dunwoody , left behind with only 20 successes so far by the lightning Scudamore , should kick off with a winner on Atlaal , trained by John Jenkins .
51 Is the Minister aware of the continuing concern among natural health therapists and others about the inadequate consultation so far by the Government on this important matter and of the allegations of serious omissions and inaccuracies in the Denner report , which was supposed to be based on previous consultations ?
52 As Carol Jackson moved about in the kitchen she could hear the steady burble of conversation , punctuated every so often by a laugh .
53 you better now by the way ?
54 Had her ordeal come a century or two later than it did , the unsinkable Sancie would have had an uplifting view during her brief immersion , for the church and the tower of Sauveterre look especially well from down below here by the river .
55 Everywhere individuals , communities and cultures respond differently to similar situations ; their reactions are always criticizable in terms of awareness , including awareness from each other 's viewpoints ; , at the ideal limit of awareness each would still respond differently , yet rightly even by the judgement of the rest .
56 Commercial arbitration , which is enforced only indirectly by the courts , has a long history .
57 Would his ‘ status ’ be altered in some way by this new scene , perhaps simply by the change itself ?
58 The subsidence now takes place farther out from the land-mass , in the off-shore belt ( " 5 " ) perhaps simply by the widening of the depression with continued subsidence .
59 Not down here by the river as we thought , after all .
60 Policeman having a little word with a sa , motorcyclist down here by the looks of it !
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