Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When he was shot he was not wearing his jacket or tie so presumably he felt at home , wherever it was . ’
2 THE gunman in the Darlington siege loved his girlfriend so much he resorted to violence in a fit of jealousy , it was claimed last night .
3 A chef in Saratoga Springs exasperated by a difficult customer complaining that his french fries were not sliced thinly enough cut the potatoes paper thin ; the irony was that the customer enjoyed the delicacy so much he asked for more and thus crisps were born .
4 Yes dad , but , apparently enough he got into a lot of trouble with the tax
5 As it sped down away he fell under the wheels .
6 An hour or so later he settled in the jockeys changing room to watch the National , his father having travelled to Liverpool to saddle Foinavon and Buckingham having been booked to ride .
7 He was charming , and found women desirable , so inevitably he weakened from time to time .
8 So now he lay on his back and thought of nothing and took his pulse from time to time .
9 So now he had in all 10,025.07 votes , 1,118.07 of them surplus to the quota .
10 So now he worked for a taxi firm .
11 Meanwhile , Flupper showed us the deadly thorn bushes that wrap round their prey like octopuses : and then whooshed us off at savage speeds — sometimes so fast he aquaplaned over the water .
12 So there he stood in the Dirty Duck , opposite Shakespeare 's Memorial Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon , 1951 , Prince of the heap .
13 So then he said to me how would you I said so he went yes , I said and and he said and how would you put it back , I said
14 So then he sank onto the floor , to make himself as small as possible so that he could wait out the agony .
15 Oh mostly that really , supposedly going to America in February the sixth and the doctor , she said to the doctor what 's the matter and he said you 're really , really run down then he said to her what I suggest you do is to go and buy some cartons of fresh orange juice , a jar of honey and some natural live yoghurt and she 's ate it all , now she 's got diarrhoea ca n't win can ya ?
16 He came from all over Macaw or somewhere down there he came from .
17 That morning , as usual , he found nothing to complain of , so instead he wheeled on me to demand whether the boat 's electronic instruments were functioning properly .
18 But it 's , well considering he had to re-putty all the windows , it was n't just like he had to one
19 Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground .
20 Soon afterwards he engaged in research which resulted in his patenting of the telephonic translator ( 1880 ) , the caustic alkali and iron battery ( 1881 ) , and a telephone transformer ( 1881 ) .
21 Yet soon afterwards he sat at the feet of Jesus
22 Shortly afterwards he returned to the Admiralty as captain-superintendent , lighter-than-air , to take charge of the airships headquarters staff .
23 He did n't answer and shortly afterwards he slowed for a right-hand bend , his body bent forward , the dummy hand clamped tight on the steering wheel .
24 Once inside he groped for the sheets in his pocket .
25 She did not say anything more so he added in a real voice and proper words , ‘ Delia , I have to . ’
26 ‘ The other went this way , ’ and once more he pointed to the spot where Allen had hidden .
27 We must and we may share forever forever he turned to God , our to he .
28 More cheerfully he trotted after Lou , catching the tennis ball as it came bouncing towards him .
29 Once again he sounded as if he was accusing her of something .
30 Once again he went to prison for a short time .
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