Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maisie , from deep inside her black linen bag , was muttering about how it was all right for some people .
2 There is a great excitement at the opening of a brand new store , and this must be especially so for former staff who remember the old days .
3 They 've been in water but the bullet fits tightly in the cartridge case , and they do n't seem to have been in water long enough for much water to have got in to affect the charge .
4 One flew forward , obviously dead , and the others were disoriented long enough for several shots to send them sprawling across the tunnel .
5 The pace certainly quickened — too much so for some fathers who believed the conservative minority was trying to hurry them towards a close , leaving some business unfinished .
6 So much for that part of our heritage !
7 So much for that tradition .
8 So much for that theory !
9 I know this man-woman thing is n't supposed to be easy , but I just wonder how two people who care so much for each other have managed to spend so much time beating each other up , ’ Vitor said wryly .
10 Thank you so much for this month 's beautiful surprise !
11 Thank you so much for this month 's beautiful surprise !
12 The inner city is a social problem of an imaginary space , realised incoherently , though no less brutally for this incoherence .
13 They were only together for this term : after that — who knows ?
14 It takes so long for another type to convince the B t 's that it is z = 0 , that any long run benefit from this is outweighed by the cost , of acquiring such a reputation .
15 Anandi Ramamurthy , a freelance educational gallery tutor brought in specially for this project , was commended for the way she made viewing interesting and easy to understand .
16 It is perhaps partly for this reason that these models have been largely concerned with the short term economic outlook ie over a horizon of up to three years .
17 It was perhaps partly for this reason that on 21 September he ordered General Enrique Varela ( who had taken over from Yagüe when the latter became ill ) to make a detour to Toledo , to relieve what remained of nearly 2,000 Nationalists who had been besieged in the giant fortress — the alcazar — since the end of July .
18 The hon. Gentleman is right to emphasise that the Severn tunnel has served the travelling public extremely well for many years .
19 I have not heard the ’ white heat of the technological revolution ’ speech made so well for many years .
20 Thank you very much indeed for that Tom .
21 Congress , thank you very much indeed for that debate .
22 Right thanks very much indeed for that colleagues .
23 The end-product of one generation of selection is the starting point for the next generation of selection , and so on for many generations .
24 And so on and so on for another hour and a half , sweating and dazed , until at 4.48 a.m. , extremely painfully , out comes young Tom ( not such a bad name ; commonplace , I know ) , emerging head looking like a terrifically cross blue Brussels sprout , splosh go the fluids , splat goes the placenta and there he is .
25 Many thanks are due to all the members of the old team who have worked so hard for many years and given up so much of their time to represent the Society .
26 The bride herself remaining calm throughout , her mother , who had prayed so ardently for this day , finding herself utterly overcome by it ; having slept not a wink , of course , the night before and melting into tears — of anxiety , of joy , of overwrought nerves — the moment she got out of bed ; unable , no matter how hard she tried , to do her own soft , fair hair to her satisfaction and suffering a sudden and quite dreadful conviction that the powder-blue taffeta she had ordered from Miss Ernestine Baker was somehow not right .
27 She had not spoken so elaborately for some time , and Betty knew the warning signs ; so , whereas with anyone else she would have appealed to their better nature , in this case she held her tongue .
28 We lived together happily for many years and now it has come to killing each other 's babies .
29 Standards were high , as it was appreciated from the outset that it was not enough for such workers " to have a heart as big as a football and to be able to fingerspell and sign . "
30 Copies have been sent through 1a distribution channels to all schools and colleges in Scotland ( more than one per institution but not enough for all staff , unfortunately ) .
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