Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] what be going " in BNC.

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1 The eyes of some fish enable them to see not only what is going on in the water around them but in the air above the surface .
2 Another assumption underlying the use of the first 10 methods listed above is that you are able to analyse carefully not merely what is going wrong but why .
3 Oh yes , he had done everything possible to find out just what was going on .
4 It was too soon for the operation to be taken away from Cardiff before he found out just what was going on in this hellish office block .
5 So I intend to find out exactly what is going on first , before I even consider giving my consent . ’
6 We begin by finding out exactly what 's going on — what films and plays are due to open , books to be published , records to be released , and we keep in touch with agents and promotion companies and keep tabs on where the big celebrities are in the world .
7 trying to work out exactly what 's going round might have a
8 Damned if I could make out quite what 's going on and I 've been trying hard enough . ’
9 Aye well So what 's going on in here ?
10 The man knows quite well what 's going on , sees his freedom restricted , his dignity insulted , his lust observed , if lust it is , and is angry and resentful either way .
11 The theory of games and the Prisoner 's Dilemma had not been invented in those days but , with hindsight , we can see pretty clearly what was going on , and Axelrod provides a fascinating analysis .
12 Okay and you sorted this out very nicely what was going to happen and what you 'd have left over .
13 They knew only too well what was going on in Baldersdale but Sam and his brood were too wily to be caught and the law could expect no help from other residents .
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