Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Now playing at inside-right , Whitworth was top scorer with 16 goals , but he also combined with Frank so effectively that we had a comfortable 2nd Division season , and then he headed our scoring chart again in 1924–25 .
2 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
3 The Collector 's hands trembled so badly that he had to rest the telescope on the shattered window sill .
4 But he was shaking so badly that he had to sit down and have a rest .
5 I think she undoubtedly added to the intrigue erm and difficulties of her court , erm one example , she was always getting people that she approved of , getting them plum jobs , and one example was one of the governors of Oxford , the most unpopular , one Sir Arthur Aston , who was so unpopular that he got attacked on the street , and then had to have a body guard paid for the city council , and then was curvetting on his horse in front of some ladies , and fell off and broke his leg so badly that he had to have it amputated , so from then on he had a wooden leg , erm that meant he had to stop being governor , and later on in the war , a countryman was coming into Oxford , and asked the sentinel ‘ who was governor still ’ , and by that time a friend of prince Rupert 's Sir William Leg was governor , and the answer was ‘ one Leg ’ , and the countryman 's reply was ‘ pox on him , is he governor still ? ’ .
6 For fear of losing one or two sales of its obsolete mainframes , IBM designed the RT so badly that it had to junk the machine completely and start again from scratch to create the ( incompatible ) RS/6000 .
7 His backsliding into sloth had happened so slowly that he had n't been aware of it .
8 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
9 At school , compensating , she had worked and worked and worked , so much so that she had finally made the two A's and a B necessary for medicine in her A levels .
10 So much so that I had to threaten to call the police . ’
11 An oil and gas businessman , down from New York , he was one of Littledale 's ‘ bloody types ’ ; so much so that he had celebrated his donation for weapons , to the dismay of Channell 's PR lady , by going to the Hay Adams and ordering steak tartare .
12 It seems that during the 18th century in the beautiful city of Cambridge , the leading livery stable was owned and operated by one Charles Hobson who had made a small fortune in renting cabs and carriages to the gentry , so much so that he had acquired that lovely house and property known as Anglesey Abbey for his country residence .
13 Lewis was markedly less exclusive and less austere ; but he had once borrowed a copy of Eliot 's verse in 1926 from John Betjeman , then an unsatisfactory Oxford pupil , and it had enraged him — so much so that he had organised a cabal to write spoof verse in the Eliot manner to introduce into his quarterly Criterion .
14 He looked down at her , his face tightening and then , so suddenly that she had no time to read his intentions , he pulled her to him .
15 Some of the older ones would get together so that they had ginormous piles of rubbish .
16 Richard was already a good shot , a patient fisherman and a brave , if occasionally reckless , rider , but competence in all these sports had come to him so easily that he had no interest in practising them .
17 The time had passed so quickly that she had n't realised how late it was , or that the daylight had faded to dusk .
18 Then her hand shot out and she whipped the piece of paper out of his pocket , moving so quickly that he had no chance to stop her .
19 However , he did n't have time now for self-reproach , nor to wonder why Isabel 's seeming betrayal had cut so deeply that he had instantly thought the worst of her , had immediately accepted Matilda 's word though he 'd known how vindictive and spiteful the woman could be .
20 It seemed like only yesterday that he had presented himself at Manchester 's Ringway Airport for training with the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
21 Because , so gradually that she had n't noticed it , the blue had faded from her sight .
22 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
23 Yanto Gates was not given to quick decisions or mad impulses , but the girl in reality matched his dreams of her so perfectly that he had to take it as a sign .
24 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
25 But in February he returned to the Rhineland to deal with yet another raid by Louis the German there ( this time the emperor drove his son out so forcefully that he had to seek refuge with the Slavs before making his way back to Bavaria ) .
26 The leading actor had believed in it so heartily that he had kicked it in mid-speech and got his foot embedded in it .
27 Only now that it had happened it was n't in the least funny .
28 He became real and close only now that he had vanished .
29 The door was smashed in so often that it had to be bricked up .
30 It was only when Gould declared on 28 February 1837 , that Darwin 's island specimens of the Galapagos mocking bird differed so profoundly that they had to be categorised as three completely distinct species , that the alarm bells began to ring .
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