Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] i [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 Just okay Right So if you log in now I think we will go into Word , right , we 'll do this in Word , all right , Word for Windows so connect to network Log in as you .
2 Now question is whether or not there is a simple ability to realise a capital receipt and use it I think , and if that were true , if what you 're saying is true and there was some net gain to be made very easily then I think we would have a hard time , perhaps , refusing what you 're saying .
3 Still still I think we all I tell you , about forty .
4 There 's a definite fashion of yes , yes , the only thing is , is that people are not erm , er religious bound by the fashion , they do n't , sort of say like well I think we 'll have to change our porch light it looks old fashioned compared to the one next door , erm
5 Once again I think we have a great intensity of personal feeling .
6 Right now I 've we 've got some new documentation for the wallets .
7 So erm right now I think we might as well erm allow things to draw naturally to a close there so um let's see erm this gives you a few minutes to catch your breath in time for video , for those of you who 're erm intending to watch it .
8 ‘ We are so far behind I fear we shall never catch up , ’ he says , gloomily .
9 Oh yeah right well I mean we could leave that to our representatives if you like erm to erm to cater for those those milkmen erm in the same way as the milkmen .
10 Well eventually I think we 'll have to get to that to that standard .
11 Even so I mean we might not be so lucky .
12 Well strangely enough I think we 'll have to have double rooms .
13 Well basically I see we get less holidays than every other factory .
14 And , Tim , you and I ought to have a we 're not actually going to have a formal session on self-study , but we have another we have a rather loosely structured session when we can bring up any other matters for erm basically that they 'll want to plan the video session rather carefully as well basically I think we want to follow in on yesterday 's meeting — we want to find out why we 're not selling more videos basically and use the whole of that session if necessary for exploring with the area managers why we 're not doing twice or three times as well as we are .
15 Well like I mean we all know what a bell is , a bell which is set off by by a human body coming in .
16 Well well I suppose we could do the card could n't we ?
17 He saved my life once , ’ Wellington somehow managed to sound disapproving of both achievements , ‘ but if I had ten thousand like him tomorrow then I warrant we 'd see Napoleon beat by midday . ’
18 But the main reason was that I wanted to explain how far I felt we had come in our understanding of the universe : how we might be near finding a complete theory that would describe the universe and everything in it .
19 And I feel if now we deny ourselves our greatest delight and say our love alone shall make us strong , our strength shall not depend on anything but our love then indeed I think we shall be creating an independence of each other , which can only make our binding sympathy more perfect … . for the present , for the 14 months before I am 21 then I have after much real thought , much consideration decided that it would be best for both of us to be separated …
20 We were ‘ just good friends ’ , however much I wished we could be more than that .
21 And er but very definitely now I think we 've got the self confidence that er you know we very much and er we feel established enough that everybody can bring their banners and it 's gon na be a good day .
22 Alright well I think well I think actually well I know we 've droned on about it for half an hour but I think it 's worth a discussion to be quite honest , do n't you ?
23 And sadly , very sadly I think we 're being proved right .
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