Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [Wh det] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 So effectively what would happen all our T ratios right would be very small cos the standard area would be very large , but do n't worry too much about these ecometric problems what I want you to do is to appreciate that estimating a supply response model right , can cause problems unless we do something about it .
2 However , I wonder whether the Government will pay a blind bit of notice to the report , which illustrates not only what will happen to the mining industry but what will happen if we allow it to contract .
3 They should be supplied with not merely what will preserve animation , but what custom has rendered necessary for their comfort .
4 The moral authority of law gets a foothold in the idea that it is rational to give special consideration to views which result from a process of impartial , informed and capable reflection , and this not simply because this process helps us to know more precisely what will promote independently ascertained moral goals but also because it is liable to result in superior judgements about what goals we ought to pursue ( Campbell , 1971 ) .
5 But he did n't have time to speculate now as he strode across the office with the others following , down the ‘ corridor ’ between the screens and towards the double-doors directly ahead which would give access to the secondary staircase .
6 I I would hope to be able to party conference probably only which would mean turning up either Friday night or Saturday morning .
7 Variable wing geometry would cut the dangers down a little … but there are still CATs up there which could tear anything like a conventional aircraft apart . ’
8 You could put a hydro-electric dam up there which could help electricity , which could help your industry .
9 ‘ I just ca n't tell you right now what will happen . ’
10 It is often a matter of difficulty to find out exactly what will have to be paid for haulage , toll and wharfage , and this fact increases the office labour in sending out tenders .
11 and erm oh calcium hydroxide is perhaps a more interesting one but you pick one of them that you 're happy with and take it through here so what would happen with let's see I mean you would n't actually drip sodium an acid onto sodium if you 've got any sense .
12 Well now what can do for this man ?
13 While one can not say with certainty that such images ‘ teach ’ boys to be aggressive in class , there is on the other hand little there which would permit boys to be quiet and accommodating , the attributes valued by the harassed classroom teacher .
14 Insurance is available quite cheaply which would safeguard you in such an event .
15 This , on reflection , is interesting : it reveals quite sharply what might have been apparent earlier — that this particular decision rule is of a rather simpler structure than the optimal output rule .
16 He knew only too well what would happen ; no doubt his stepfather would have the daily help to come in and take care of him , but as far as the business was concerned , it would likely be whipped from under him by the many land sharks who would prey on the defenceless old man without the slightest compunction .
17 I knew only too well what would happen next .
18 We knew only too well what could happen to Dad and we were afraid .
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