Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] can [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I ca n't say that I 've really earned this , ’ said John , taking a cup , ‘ but perhaps I can be forgiven my first day .
2 And now finally — as we always seem to be saying at the conclusion of our news bulletins — perhaps I can be allowed one or two serious observations .
3 Thought I 'd better warn you so you can be prepared .
4 We have had a marvellous season with thankfully no major accidents and also the best of racing , particularly at the Ulster Grand Prix and the Tandragee 100 , so perhaps we can be forgiven for forgetting that racing needs not only the top line competitors like Joey Dunlop and Brian Reid it needs the newcomers to help the sport thrive and we are just not getting enough of them .
5 Sprague summed up : ‘ So we can be united in this as all things ?
6 ‘ There are many different types of lymphoma , but basically they can be divided into two groups , aggressive and non-aggressive .
7 Perhaps they can be let off the hook , be allowed their complexity .
8 Indeed , such is the degree of interest in substantial properties offered for sale that the nature of the problem has changed , and a new threat has appeared as developers promise to restore houses if only they can be given planning permission for extensive new building .
9 If their driving is hazardous enough they can be charged with dangerous driving and tried before magistrates or even a crown court .
10 Are n't agricultural prices subsidized twice , they 're subsidized to the farmers , so the farmer gets X for growing it which increases the price automatically on the market , but are n't they subsidized so they can be sold abroad ?
11 They 're spelt how you say them so they can be spelt er ten different ways in the same village !
12 Furthermore it can be shown ( Acarnley , et al , 1979 ) that motors with higher stack numbers have no real performance advantages over a three-stack motor .
13 Perhaps it can be traced even deeper in the past — we can go back to the time when the woman first attracted the man whose child she will later bear , or to the onset of her menstruation , when her body signalled its readiness for pregnancy .
14 Perhaps it can be said that , when people are searching for meaning , they are at the beginning of a journey , not at the end of it .
15 Perhaps it can be done by saying that there is a basic biological species-need for sexual reproduction which gives rise to inner impulses , felt periodically , for full genital contact and orgasm .
16 Perhaps it can be arranged . ’
17 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
18 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
19 Perhaps he can be helped to interpret the events as less threatening .
20 The distinction between real and apparent achievement , if only it can be concealed from the teacher , and suitably managed by a child , provides the opportunity for rewards to be received just as well for cheating as for genuine achievement .
21 The former leader of the Social Democratic Party was recently sentenced to two years eight months imprisonment for corruption ; the former Socialist Foreign Minister , Gianni De Michelis has had his parliamentary immunity lifted so he can be tried for misuse of office .
22 So it can be done .
23 , because , though he is in the army , he 's doing a masters degree in Brussels as well , at night , so it can be done .
24 So it can be done .
25 No you can do it so it can be done good .
26 So it can be understood that planned breeding is not a new idea .
27 So it can be seen that what was originally a technical question of the definition of tolerable rates of soil loss is a crucial , and deeply ideological one , and therefore not amenable to the cut-and-dried standards of proof on empirical grounds .
28 So it can be seen that the Wolverton Royal Train , with this modern programme , will move into the 21 st century , giving Wolverton Works the unique role of conveyors of Royalty through three centuries .
29 So it can be seen that the parties will usually be excused further performance of the contract , either partly or entirely , according to what is a reasonable presumption of what the parties would have intended .
30 It 's their intention to leave the boat station there , but as a boat hiring station only , and to let rent that to somebody , not to have boat building enterprises , not to have a car park , not to have a chandlery and so on which was put there by the person whose who used to own it , and we will recoup all of that money from renting that boat station so it can be run as a boat hiring station again , and from three or four of the moorings that are will have been there for a long time , with proper permission .
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