Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] will [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right I will invite the deputy to an emergency meeting on this one subject not not with a big agenda like that
2 Right I will have a little look , do you want to have a little look ?
3 From now on I will use the term " marriage " simply to denote the institution immediately under discussion without prejudging the issue as to whether the different kinds of " marriage " thus presented are or are not members of a single logical class .
4 The confident cricketers are the ones who set themselves targets of achievement , which range from Sir Richard Hadlee 's carefully calculated and perfectly achieved ‘ double ’ season in 1984 , to my hope that perhaps I will perform the somewhat lesser treble of at least one run , one wicket and one catch for the village this year .
5 If I can manage another 69 in the second round perhaps I will feel a bit better , but not yet . ’
6 Perhaps I will convey a better idea of the tone of those evenings if I say that regular visitors included the likes of Mr Harry Graham , valet-butler to Sir James Chambers , and Mr John Donalds , valet to Mr Sydney Dickenson .
7 Perhaps I will have the chance to be your Teacher .
8 Madam Deputy Speaker I was gon na give a very illustrative example of what I 'm talking about but perhaps I will allow the house to have that example on another occasion because I actually would prefer not to be er er er prevented from giving you the most vivid story of what I 'm talking about .
9 Perhaps I will phone the National Front and give them Changez 's name , eh ?
10 So I will avoid the controversial academic debates and try to explain what power is and how individuals or groups get it .
11 So I will make a personal attack on you the day after to-morrow , when the House will be full , and I will tell you beforehand what I 'm going to say and what the right come-back is for you to score off me .
12 Right no printer attached so I will have a
13 I 'm er I 'm not saying I , the headlines you see , so I will select the headline I 'm interested in .
14 So I will take the blame for that one , but why did n't the machine tuck up on the first two garments of the same size ?
15 We 're certainly going to overrun again at lunchtime today because I do want to get Section Secretary 's Report in , and the , certainly the special motion on Swan Hunter Ship Building Limited , so I will take the remainder of the recruitment motions , Report and certainly the special motion .
16 I think that er what we will do now gentlemen is go into closed session so I will suspend the sitting er while the present public leave us er so the sitting is now .
17 Naturally she will stay the night , ’ he murmured , a laughing note in his voice as they waved her mother into the mini-cab to join her waiting friend .
18 This can be shown by carrying out the few steps necessary , and so below you will find a worked example of key words and patterns .
19 Below you will find a match report for our thrilling 11–0 defeat at Alborne the other week , which Ted included in a recent letter .
20 Naturally you will study the phrases and vocabulary which apply to your new interest , whatever it is , by careful SAS practice first .
21 Naturally you will watch the person you are talking with to notice if they appear to have difficulty in hearing you because of background noise .
22 At six months old , she 's already visited three mills — perhaps she will attend a formulation meeting by the time she 's two ?
23 Perhaps you will have a part-time job and a small capital reserve to tide you over the lean years until the farm is pulling its weight .
24 " Perhaps you will learn the meaning of obedience and respect at St. Cyr .
25 Perhaps you will permit the twelve-bores to be used ? ’
26 Obviously you will keep an eye on your fencing and gates all the year round .
27 Obviously you will need a longer and wider piece of wood than the size of the cutlery blank .
28 Despite Tory attempts , despite Tory attempts to darken the skies over , we have emerged into the sunlight , with building a better we will build a brighter future and I move the recommendation .
29 In doing so we will create the opportunity to deliver an individual service to our members through instant response and while improving our service to the members we will also improve our recruitment potential .
30 So we will need a tolerant and patient horse if we want to use it as a school horse , or a plough horse , or even a dressage horse .
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