Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] had be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Huy wondered how long she had been in the capital , and how she had got there .
2 Or perhaps she had been in too much of a hurry to change .
3 However long they had been in Wimbledon , the suburb had not yet managed to curb their enthusiasm .
4 Perhaps they had been on the other side of the ditch all the time and were hidden by it now .
5 Perhaps they had been in the Rorim long enough for the animals to become used to each other .
6 She tried to make allowances , constantly reminding herself of the responsibility Nathan was carrying and how long he had been without sleep .
7 I asked him how long he had been with the Republicans and he said , ‘ Three weeks — I 'm a sales manager and I 've been given leave of absence by my company just to produce last night 's rally . ’
8 But perhaps he had been to a Harley Street specialist — it was easier to imagine the long holiday being recommended behind thick net curtains in one of those tall houses with several brass plates on the door .
9 Then he remembered ; appropriately enough it had been at the party when Slater had first introduced Graham and Sara to each other .
10 And all the time Nisodemus was reminding people how much better it had been in the Store .
11 But already she had been to the zoo with him and accepted an invitation for future visits .
12 Nevertheless it had been at Bray 's Buildings , stench or no stench , squeals of slaughtered beasts or no squeals , that one of the most fascinating of Benjamin 's children had entered the world .
13 She realised how close she had been to the edge when the Yggdrasil bit came for her .
14 She stopped , embarrassed suddenly , looked down , realised with a start just how close she had been to revealing some parts of her life , her thoughts …
15 She closed her book ; her papa had given it to her before she left for England and she blushed a little on remembering how short she had been with him when he had handed it over to her .
16 Her husband , Stuart , 52 , said yesterday he had been in daily contact with her since she flew to Canada last month on the second pilgrimage to find her son .
17 THE polar explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes said yesterday he had been within a week of death when he finally agreed to ‘ be sensible ’ and abandon his Antarctic expedition .
18 He had waited for her in the forests that fringed Tara , his mind filled with light and hope , his body more fiercely aware than ever it had been in his entire life .
19 And once he had been at Oxford , she said .
20 Wheat and barley he knew , and once he had been in a field of turnips .
21 Whenever I had been in London I had visited the Natural History Museum and Rowland Ward 's taxidermist shop in Piccadilly , where there was always a fascinating collection of heads , skins and mounted specimens .
22 How wrong she had been about not needing it .
23 She had been right in her suspicion that David 's return had been something to do with a woman , but how wrong she had been over the reason .
24 An hour past he had been with his Ministers .
25 By now I had been in Brobdingnag for about two years .
26 Simultaneously we had been in touch with Sir Hubert and had discovered that he did indeed give an interview to the representative in London and had spoken ‘ off the cuff ’ to quite an extent but not justifying the outright statement attributed to him .
27 Until now it had been outside her experience …
28 The Defence Secretary also said that now he had been in the post a year , he was reviewing defence spending priorities to see if they were correct .
29 With whom only months ago I had been like every other new recruit ;
30 Well she had been on one or two things , not a lot on the television but er , we .
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