Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 I got one down there once for some reason .
2 " Oh , it 's still raining much too hard for that , " said Cowslip , as though there could be no two ways about it .
3 It was slightly over thirty sea miles from Berwick to Dunbar , a very long row , much too far for any one night , whatever the conditions .
4 But the material was far too heavy and the skirt much too tight for any real comfort in these conditions .
5 This worked well for those in the A stream but not so well for those in the B stream , and badly for those in the C stream , who got discouraged .
6 But in this particular lesson the decision structure is something of a mirage , for as we have already pointed out at this stage the situation is not real enough for these children to be making anything but a superficial gesture — going through the motions of making a decision .
7 ‘ It 's probably just as well for all concerned at the club that I should hang my boots up for a while .
8 It should be mentioned that the specific item search in Okapi '87 was knocked up rather hastily for this experiment ; the Okapi projects have not been concerned with specific item searching since 1985 .
9 He faced to the front again then turned back more slowly for another look .
10 But our records do n't go back far enough for that .
11 You have to get back really fast for that E chord in the rhythm part …
12 Gordimer knows the ins and outs of South Africa , its people and politics , far too well for any smooth analyses or soft options .
13 Far too early for that ghastly racket .
14 However if this undefined elephant arises , bearing in mind the time the development planning process takes , is it reasonable to think that the elephant would wait around long enough for that to happen ?
15 The coefficients are likely to vary even more widely for those regions whose data were not included in the modelling exercise .
16 Yeah , but you got ta be down here early enough for that to see him .
17 This may have held good in the palmy days of the 1960s for some authorities , but even then not for many ( see Danziger , 1978 ) .
18 I knew what I was going out to and I was only concerned that there might be some hitch or delay , that I might get there and find that someone had made a mistake and I was n't due out for another six months — such was my anxiety to be released .
19 ‘ The theory we all had was that Richard knew very well that women worked twice as hard for half the price , ’ as one girl put it .
20 The fact also remained that almost everybody in Virgin worked twice as hard for half the price .
21 ‘ It really was a long race , maybe too long for this circuit .
22 ‘ It really was a long race , maybe too long for this circuit .
23 D do you think your , your amenity-wise er the flats like they they 've got the housing , and the clubs and the playgroup and stuff like that , do you think you 're very badly off for that or ?
24 The pace certainly quickened — too much so for some fathers who believed the conservative minority was trying to hurry them towards a close , leaving some business unfinished .
25 It is appropriate that , through the medium of Medau News , we should thank Rita very warmly indeed for all the dedicated work she has done for the Society .
26 Thanks very much indeed for that .
27 Thank you very much indeed for that .
28 Thanks very much indeed for that .
29 Thank you very much indeed for that .
30 Thanks very much indeed for that .
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