Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The most widely accepted theoretical explanation of which issues should be held to go to jurisdiction has been the collateral or preliminary or jurisdictional fact doctrine .
2 The individuals concerned were all members of the University of Iowa Writers ' Workshop , a group which , as Andreasen herself points out , is the oldest and most widely recognised creative teaching programme in the United States , having spawned such eminent authors as Robert Lowell , Kurt Vonnegut and Philip Roth .
3 Germany 's noblest grape the Riesling , called the Rhine Riesling in Australia , is the most widely planted classic variety in Australia , although it does have difficulty in finding a niche in our market .
4 The most widely planted red grape is the Shiraz , known as Syrah in France , where it is the leading grape of the Rhône .
5 Probably the most widely known alternative matrix is that developed by McKinsey and Co. , apparently in liaison with General Electric Inc .
6 Chomsky , who is probably the most widely known living linguist , is listed , but readers are immediately referred to " Formal grammar " , which indicates a proper emphasis on ideas rather than personalities .
7 Perhaps the most widely criticised standard form produced by the JCT is their Standard Form of Building Contract , 1980 edition .
8 The effect of a loss in confidence would be a desire to convert dollars into gold at the official price , and accordingly the system would collapse since the most widely held reserve asset would cease to be accepted as such .
9 Perhaps the most widely held single-deficit theory of Broca 's aphasia is that it is a syntactic deficit .
10 For example , the automobile industry , described as ‘ the most intensively studied industrial situation ’ has a largely male work force .
11 Most eventually got honorary Lifetime Achievement Awards — alias the ‘ Whoops , sorry , we forgot you ’ Oscars , or even ‘ Whoops , sorry , we did n't know you were still around ’ , as happened to Sophia Loren in January , thirty years after she won Best Actress for Two Women .
12 It insisted on wholly open intellectual inquiry , and on a related entire tolerance .
13 It must be spoken , audible , and , depending on the level of investigation involved , clear enough to allow instrumental analysis , and accompanied by additional information on the age , sex and linguistic background of the speaker .
14 Chardonnay is the most highly revered white grape of the southern hemisphere , and in Australia it produces buttery , honeyed wines , broadened and enriched by maturation in oak , sometimes so oaky it stings .
15 The most highly regarded Australian umpire , Tony Crafter , has had to wait until the final Test of the series for his first match this summer .
16 Between 1973 and 1979 all but one of the five most highly paid occupational groups experienced a fall in their real incomes : members of the most highly paid occupational group of all ( professional , management , administration ) saw their incomes fall by 5 per cent in real terms .
17 Rocktron have noted this and vaulted to the rescue by producing the rather obscurely titled Bass mAxe .
18 Particularly striking examples , as Simon Frith points out ( 1983a : 146–7 , 154 ) , are that some of the ‘ most creative uses of the recording studio have also been the most ‘ manipulative ’ in commercial terms ' he mentions Phil Spector , Giorgio Moroder 's disco hits and Jamaican reggae — while ‘ in the USA … the most open and imaginative audiences deejays and radio programmes work in disco , the most obviously commercialized musical genre ’ .
19 However , the substances themselves only rarely cause long-term damage to the body .
20 Women are still likely to be excluded precisely because they so rarely exercise public power .
21 But then making life easier for the passenger is what BAA is all about , and to do so successfully takes careful planning .
22 This was especially so regarding endowed perpetuity masses .
23 Selfing populations of plants could be valuable material , although the retention of unused yet presumably expensive floral features in some populations raised doubts as to whether they have been selfing for long enough to reach evolutionary equilibrium .
24 The same applies to Eckhard Pfeiffer , who has certainly turned Compaq Computer Corp around for the time being , but has not been in the job long enough to demonstrate proven staying power .
25 Only slowly revolving tyres will contact the road for long enough to generate sufficient drive .
26 We interpret the moderate dispersion and dual polarity ( except for Tsm ) of palaeomagnetic data to indicate that cooling and remanence acquisition occurred over a period long enough to average palaeosecular variation .
27 In a contrasting approach , a number of writers have introduced the possibility that private agents , such as firms or workers , may bind themselves to fixed prices over periods long enough to permit within-period reaction by policy-makers .
28 In this last group , black elderly people are over-represented because they have often not worked in this country long enough to accumulate full pension entitlement .
29 But two decades of tinkering with the federal constitution have not so much created regional self-government as extended the practice of divide-and-rule perfected by the British colonists before independence .
30 These processes determine the probability of two components being close enough together to allow covalent bonding by addition reaction .
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