Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I know how badly I behaved that night ; but I was wild with jealousy .
2 Eventually I decided that assimilation was not possible , given Culler 's lack of interest in the interpretation of particular texts and his commitment to the uncovering of the generalized principles of literariness .
3 Most importantly I added some text that was to be part of the finished work .
4 and I said to Andrea , I says Andrea those two are two of the tills I 'd checked yesterday in the middle of the day and they were spot on I said that money went yesterday evening !
5 I mean there 's a , there was a programme on I watched last night , on the sea or ?
6 I stood alone on the beach next to the elaborate italics of Oliver ( the others had done capitals , of course ) , and I looked up towards the camera , and Stuart shouted ‘ Cheese ! ’ and Gillian shouted ‘ Gorgonzola ! ’ and Stu shouted ‘ Camembert ! ’ and Gillian shouted ‘ Dolcelatte ! ’ and suddenly I had this crying fit .
7 Suddenly I had this vision of him having taken an overdose and phoning to say goodbye .
8 ‘ If only I had that opportunity such a rewarding experience working among people of that type . ’
9 He said , oh if only I had that power !
10 ‘ If only I had some money put by , ’ he told Rosie , as he was taking her home to the pub one evening .
11 Perhaps I needed more courage to retire than to carry on .
12 And I put balanced it out across this , and I set my camera down er down below , on a time exposure which runs off in about one minute , so I had one minute to run up the side of the thing and get out here and balance myself .
13 and mum had two glass fulls , but she did n't drink hers so I had four glass fulls .
14 No he said , and I went over and I picked him up anyway , and sat him on , I sat him on my knee and I said we 'll just do some rhymes and I could feel him sort of going mm , mm , mm , like they do all pathetic and whiny , anyway Phyllis arrived and afterwards it was , by then he had calmed down and he was fine and I said wan na read the story now cos he missed it of course when he decided he could n't do without his car , so I said next week perhaps come without your car , I think I 'd won him over by the end but , it was a bit hairy .
15 So I sprinkled this stuff inside every pair of knickers in the drawer and then folded them all up again carefully . ’
16 Well that 's a fourteen inch grate , fire a fourteen inch grate but you 've got the gap all round it like so I thought eighteen inch .
17 Erm , quite how we arrange cos this , as Margaret says there 's a lot of business to get through on occasions , but er , this , this meeting seems to had a lot , but , you know , er whether we could alternate er a business meeting with a , a , a speaker so I thought functional meeting every two months and a speaker attending er , er the other month , erm , I 'm really sussing it open for ideas , what , what do other people feel and
18 I knew the children were not usually encouraged to guess so I asked one boy directly .
19 I was lucky Nick and she was pretty Ellen , and so I ordered another bottle of the sticky white wine and we let our dreams take wings .
20 And I worked three month before Christmas so I got six point summat days
21 I needed some change so I got two sausage rolls , I 'm gon na wire them up on microwave in a bit right ?
22 So I got one side but I bloody could n't get out the other side .
23 But to qualify for that you 've had , you 've actually got to be a councillor for six years , so I got half way there ,
24 So I related this tale and , while the audience responded warmly , stole a glance to my left .
25 So I felt inexpressible gratitude to you for giving me the support and care of that relationship , however attenuated it appeared to me at times :
26 So I became Red Hat the clown and travelled among the street people ( in Europe ) , a little drunk , but not crazy drunk in those days .
27 So I sent that piece under the impression that there would be no problem having it accepted and that afterwards we would see how the public reacted to it .
28 So I chose general farming , and then you chose whether you wanted to go to a farm or and in a hostel , communal .
29 So I wrote this essay
30 There was no announcement made at the end of the programme so , and they never got back to me , so I rang this morning first thing and last night they did n't ask me my name and address , but this morning they did .
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