Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] use " in BNC.

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1 I 'd forgotten how funny it is ; from now on I shall be using it in casual conversation more often .
2 So you 'll be using
3 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
4 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
5 So it would be used then , as a a working model , if you like , er , through the course .
6 So it can be used .
7 It picks up all low-pitched noise , and so it should be used in quiet circumstances , on your own .
8 So it could be used as a preliminary check for patients , more or less on a routine basis ?
9 Although this subjectivity is not boundless , because of the audit function and accounting standards , nevertheless it can be used to distort accounting information rather than provide a ‘ truer ’ picture .
10 There is a there is but er er but er er the medium er er as best it could be used was was Spanish you see .
11 Quantification is usually taken for granted in social dialectology , but it is not used in some other branches of sociolinguistics ( for example , those researches that follow Gumperz 's model ) , and there can be disputes about whether or not it should be used in given instances .
12 So possibly it might be used to deal with disorders of those effects .
13 In the experiments described later it will be used both unfiltered , with this spectral response , and filtered , in which case the response will be in the range 700nm to 1100nm .
14 But there are no recommendations given as to how often it should be used , which type of salt it requires to recharge it or any recommendations as to often to recharge it .
15 It is concerned with the forms energy can take , how efficiently it can be used and to what extent energy can be made available for useful work .
16 Eventually they will be used once more and the whole cycle will then have to be repeated .
17 The idea is not to attempt all these at once — rather they could be used as sections in a loose leaf file and added to at intervals .
18 Alternatively they can be used with more sophisticated software such as that provided on the Apple Lisa .
19 125–84 , 204–7 ; 1982b 173–96 ; various papers in Hodder ed. 1982 ) , here it will be used to refer solely to the relationship between artefacts within a given object domain , such as all windows or all cars .
20 ‘ At least I will be using my skills while I 'm abroad , not just bumming round the world for a year ! ’
21 As long as you identify with the negative messages that trick you into becoming a victim to negativity , then you will be used .
22 Four , you could do nothing at all and leave any course of action to the solicitors comfortable then you should be using their best endeavours to obtain the licence .
23 I hope not , because you may be able to fill a gap in the market , and at the very least you will be using your knitting machine and gaining experience all the time .
24 They 'll also require details of how you 'll be using your new kitchen : ie , will it be used for entertaining , storage purposes , or doing homework , in addition to more usual activities ?
25 Maybe they could be used to build up the spiritual life .
26 Having looked at a number of hypothetical fossil records varying in degree of completeness , they state that ‘ Sometimes fossils can be used in phytogenetic reconstruction without reference to stratigraphy : sometimes they can be used in combination with stratigraphy : sometimes they can not be used at all ; and sometimes phylogeny is in principle not reconstructible . ’
27 It was generally believed that if services were made available free to all , then they would be used by everyone who needed them .
28 If satisfactory control of hypertension is not achieved with dietary modification and one of these agents , then they can be used in combination .
29 Our discussion here will consider the variables normally found important in second language learning , and consider how they might be used to predict BSL learning .
30 Look at plants from all angles to determine how they can be used — maybe you could remove the petals and make a smaller flower with just a few of them ?
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