Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 Presumably I need to get some food for next week .
2 Luckily I 'd had some speed earlier : when I was on blues I could get through anything .
3 or they turn up at the gates and go shit Mr like the headmaster 's on the door and my nipples are in and they go hang on I 've got some ice cubes here , put them on and they come out and er they go by the nipples , your nipples are looking good today .
4 Apparently I 've missed some good headlines while I 've been in here .
5 Below I 've listed some ideas which many people have already carried out .
6 Naturally I have liked some rich people .
7 So I 've had some more of brandy in those .
8 So I 've got some weird tunings that give that kind of feel — kind of chromatic open tunings with very close intervals between the strings .
9 So I 've got some bleaching yeah smell you can smell that bleach .
10 Er all of you , all of you prioritising some sort of organisation and planning of revision , so I 've got some ideas that you might want to try on that score so first years , I 'm sure like Clare you must have some work to do .
11 Well the honourable gentleman as always makes er more than a debating point , I think he makes a serious point which er deserves to be answered , erm it is not , if I can put it this way , the intention of these orders er to turn auditors into er snoopers or narks er and to do so I think runs some very serious risks , not only of reducing and undermining the relationship between auditors and their clients , not only of imposing very substantial additional cost burdens on auditors which will have to be borne by companies and ultimately their clients , but also there has an example he 's given I think to be some difference , put it no more than that between public money and private money , even though I acknowledge that were talking here about the trusteeship in some cases of of er d er public deposits and funds .
12 So I started making some calls of my own .
13 So I decided to do some investigating of my own .
14 ‘ I 'm really into the guitar playing , because that 's what I 'm about , but there are so many other things that I 'm capable of and so I want to get some of that out there , too .
15 Her enormous grey eyes ( they would have been rather striking if only she had used some make-up ) were staring at him with the expression of a trapped rabbit .
16 Apparently you 'd referred some request to them — for access to MI5 and MI6 files . ’
17 those boards trying to get them split down you see to make some , you know , shelves and that
18 Perhaps she has boiled some books , but that is another matter altogether .
19 I 'opes as 'ow you 've got some pennies for me , so as I can get meself a bed for the night . ’
20 So you 've got some differing opinions there have n't you ?
21 So you 've got some
22 you 've got time to do another one so you 've got some comparisons erm
23 So you 've had some have n't you for seven three six O or something .
24 You you so you have done some part of the integration ?
25 So you have to put some water in there , yeah ?
26 Well , erm , well obviously we 've got some , as you know , we 've got the timber all the material .
27 He says , I feel awful we were making plans that being the week to go out so they had trouble with wagon so we had to spend some time on wagon .
28 so we had to put some a bit of heat in .
29 So we had to get some ways to try and get something down .
30 Now then er regular listeners will know that over the last couple of years or so we 've done some special listener trips for you er and we 've gone down to London .
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