Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] than i have " in BNC.

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1 The reaction of spectators was less marked than I had expected .
2 Close up , he looked softer and less fit than I had thought , not so much rugby as darts .
3 Embarrassing too , the recognition that my interest in Laura remained less innocent than I 'd persuaded myself .
4 While I did not lose interest in this problem it became clear , after observing a series of routine cases , that medical evidence was often far less important than I had previously imagined .
5 The reason the process of telling the truth seems less complicated than I 've said is simply that we are n't conscious of most of the mental processes I 've been describing .
6 Learning office skills and disciplines was less daunting than I had expected .
7 She is smaller and less intimidating than I had imagined her .
8 The atmosphere was less turbid than I 'd expected from Edward 's description — a glowing , orange-red furnace of heat in which I could make out the shadowy profiles of two pots .
9 The glass makes this little , obscure fly , who had the cheek to interrupt my wonderful essay , seem suddenly rather less little , and rather less obscure than I 'd thought previously .
10 I remember thinking that the whole process of being shot down and being killed seemed very much simpler and less horrible than I had always imagined .
11 ‘ I would n't want you to feel that I am any less dedicated than I have ever been . ’
12 However , when I heard Mr. Gorbachev speaking at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 1989 , about a common European home , I could perceive an image of Europe that made me feel far more European than I had ever done before .
13 ‘ One of my parts is very much on the marketing side and this has actually flourished and the demands on my time for giving talks and presentations all over the world at very high levels has become more demanding than I 've ever known before . ’
14 I was probably more afraid than I 'd ever been in my life but I was too busy to notice it .
15 The teachers were in on my research from the beginning , erm I originally gained the co-operation of the headmaster — he allowed me to come into the school — and then I found the teachers enormously co-operative , in fact , far more cooperative than I had a really had a right to expect .
16 " I acutely feel that public distrust in politics is more serious than I have ever experienced in the past , " he said .
17 That was the point , I thought , but perhaps machines are more versatile than I have been informed they are .
18 He was buoyant today , but also edgy and more authoritative than I 'd seen him for ages , when mostly he 'd been gloomy and sulky .
19 Tony more subdued than I 'd remembered him .
20 My position on the whole thing started to wobble last year when I had some reflexology ( a foot massage ) which made me more relaxed than I 've felt for years .
21 ‘ Then Englishmen must be even more brutish than I have long suspected , ’ he cried theatrically .
22 ‘ But I was so ready to become a mother , and I 'm happy and more confident than I 've been before .
23 Now it is three months ’ rest and come the start of the 1991 season I 'll be ready to go again , more confident than I have been for a long time .
24 Now that I am closer to Tamsin I can see that she is more tired than I had thought .
25 ‘ This might be a lot more tricky than I had first supposed .
26 Erm I now accept that that was a misreading of Harrogate District Council 's resolution which was rather more ambiguous than I have represented it here .
27 Was it possible that people were even more complicated than I had imagined , and had Mrs Monro once been young and funny ?
28 I had not realised that it was even more complicated than I had been led to believe originally .
29 Situations are more dynamic than I have been able to describe .
30 I could see that writing Lover at the Gate had implications more profound than I had supposed .
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