Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] with [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They have been extremely patient with him for several years and have taken this step after careful consideration of the limited options available to them . ’
2 ‘ They were so patient with me at the beginning until I understood English better ; they would ask one of the secretaries in Wales to type a letter if I could n't .
3 Would Mrs Crump be less happy with him in a year or two than she was with Crump now ?
4 I weep to hear of this latest affliction and so unexpected with him in the prime of his life and never an illness and being a big strong man .
5 With her penetrating instinct she did not like him , and was so angry with me for , as she said , ‘ wasting myself upon such rubbish ’ , that in the end she turned me out of my room and I went to live in a tiny , freezing attic in a house in Morningside Crescent owned by a friend of hers , a white woman .
6 I 'm so pleased with her for knowing the way I want to hug her .
7 ‘ Well , I was n't entirely open with him at the Archdeacon 's meeting .
8 I was so mad with him for doing it !
9 ‘ And you see , if you tell him I had n't felt well , he 'd be so cross with me for not waking him up . ’
10 Upson would not normally run the winner again , but as he says , ‘ things are not exactly normal with us at the moment .
11 I am not angry with you for writing such innocent letters as these .
12 This is associated at the macro level with an overall income level and , given a zero tax rate ( in our example , for simplicity , the tax rate is a proportional one so that average and marginal tax rates coincide ) , the level of recorded income will be close to if not identical with it at .
13 And if Stavanger had left intending to be away for months he had taken remarkably little with him in the way of clothes .
14 Nothing was ever wrong with her in our day .
15 As in the case of Wölfflin , we are no longer interested in whether he was right or wrong we are more concerned with him as a phenomenon in the history of culture .
16 I 'm more concerned with you at the moment , ’ he said roughly .
17 As her love for Stephen had grown , she had come to see clearly that she should have been more open with him at the beginning .
18 At least Churchill is on record that Roosevelt had been more outspoken with him on the subject of Indochina than on any other colonial matter : ‘ I imagine it is one of his principal war aims to liberate Indochina from France ’ .
19 ‘ Good , ’ said the corporal , ‘ because we 're always gentle with you on the first day . ’
20 She was really angry with him at once .
21 That highly educated people who question every other kind of authority are often obsessed with it in matters of language is a constant source of wonder to me , and also of concern .
22 God be my witness , Mandeville was as tender with him as a mother with a baby .
23 It is a very strong club but Couples , a naturally powerful striker , drives with it 270 yards or so , and is equally happy with it off the fairway .
24 The Hapsburgs ' man had been surprisingly frank with him about political and military topics .
25 ‘ When you 're married you 'll have to be less selfish , ’ said my mother , who was particularly displeased with me on this grey , wintry morning .
26 My parents were quite honest with me about things to do with sex , periods , etc .
27 ‘ She talks of little else and makes me quite vexed with her at times .
28 And yet it , I was quite happy with it to be honest
29 I do n't know why , but it seemed important to me to establish that we have n't any fuse-boxes ( and indeed we have n't ) , but she would n't allow this and was quite stern with me about it as if I were deliberately lying to her .
30 The sense of disappointment was as sharp as a blow , painful out of all proportion , so much so that for a moment I was almost angry with him for not being there .
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