Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] he had been " in BNC.

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1 The man had been so embarrassed he had been pretending to study the graffiti on the cell walls .
2 Wickham recognized the type : willing enough to help but he must be allowed to go back to his friends with the news that his information was so valuable he had been allowed to talk to the man heading the inquiry , and if he could throw in a description of a place as exciting as a newspaper office so much to his credit .
3 All this was news to Rance , for although Burma was not formally independent he had been excluded from decision making since the Attlee — Aung San Agreement had transferred virtually all power to the Council , functioning as a Cabinet .
4 Whenever possible he had been forcing the lords of Aquitaine to acknowledge that they held their " honours " , their counties , viscounties and other seigneuries , not as independent lordships but as fiefs , for which they owed the Duke homage .
5 How cruel he had been to her !
6 Riding , she had noticed how straight he held himself in the saddle , how unruffled he had been when leading his horse across a fast-flowing stream , how easily he brought his mount to jump a wall ; as though he were part of the animal he rode .
7 He was conspicuously trying to be brave , but it was quite clear he had been devastated by the experience .
8 How fond he had been of darling Mou-Mou … it broke Mummy 's heart to have her put down , but it was the kindest thing to do … .
9 ‘ That 's how dependent he had been on her . ’
10 The rush was over by then , so I had time to listen to him telling me how bored he had been with the monotonous life in Parma .
11 As he entered the study , Stephen reflected on how fortunate he had been to obtain this man 's services .
12 Once his mother realized that he had these additional problems she was able to understand how frustrated he had been and also how irritable she had been when he did not respond to her .
13 But soon she began to remember how ill he had been , and how frightened he was , frightened that one day his back would become as crooked as his father 's .
14 Had the worm understood how lucky he had been to share his bed with two such strong women ?
15 He smiled to think how gullible he had been .
16 How gullible he had been .
17 Perhaps Jessica had not realised how much trust reposed in her , how confident he had been .
18 Everyone who came near the church would see it and realize how wicked he had been .
19 She remembered how different , how happy he had been when he returned after midnight .
20 He was still a moment , watching her , astonished for the hundredth time by the fragile beauty of her , then began to eat again , realising with a laugh just how hungry he had been .
21 As he stood by the glass cabinet in his bedroom where the file had reclined on a couch of red velvet since the Exhibition recuperating from its victory , the Collector remembered , with amazement and disgust at his petty chauvinism , how pleased he had been by this trivial affair .
22 Surprisingly , considering how successful he had been , this was Beerbaum 's first victory in a World Cup qualifier , ‘ though I have been second more times than I know ’ , he added .
23 Jaq still clearly remembered his reprieve and how annoyed he had been not to have foreseen it .
24 She was n't sure how annoyed he had been just then .
25 He gave a slight sardonic grunt , remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt .
26 When Ven drew up outside her hotel , Fabia went on to realise just how kind he had been to give up so much of his time .
27 He reminisced how loyal he had been to his firm and how cruel he felt was his reward .
28 Fagin had told Oliver how ungrateful he had been to run away .
29 He was fairly certain she had no idea of how gentle he had been , how thoughtful .
30 How handsome he had been , his first friend !
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