Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm dead upset that I have n't had any pornographic mail .
2 These Normandy mosquitoes were the largest and most persistent that I had ever encountered .
3 ‘ I ca n't help saying it strikes me as rather odd that you 've left it till now to start looking for her . ’
4 ‘ I am most upset that you have been treated so badly by my countrymen , ’ Gennaro said in a quiet steady voice .
5 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
6 Robbie rather suspected that she had .
7 Lawrence was elected British president , and discharged his difficult task with a calmness , courtesy , and firmness which won universal approval , even from the defendants , the soldiers among whom thought that their problems were appreciated by one who had gained the DSO as a gunner officer in World War I. Praise was also given by the British alternate judge , Sir Norman ( later first Baron ) Birkett [ q.v. ] , who was secretly resentful that he had not been chosen for the post .
8 It was presumably where the community was predominantly free that one finds continual buying and selling of land between peasant families and the consequent development of a group of more prosperous men in the community .
9 Doctor Who got so incredibly popular that you found your weekends were no longer free either .
10 She was only sorry that she had demonstrated exactly how vulnerable she was to him .
11 Ya , I I , I 'm only sorry that you felt you
12 ‘ You may ask about his daily routine when abroad ; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following , and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy .
13 The shift is so striking that it has led one commentator ( Young 1984 : 22 ) to talk of an explosion of ‘ civic assertiveness ’ .
14 In his State of the Union address , delivered to the US Congress on Jan. 31 , President George Bush stated that " the events of the year just ended , the revolution of 1989 , have been a chain reaction — change so striking that it marks the beginning of a new era in the world 's affairs " .
15 The country was bracken-clothed dunes , the plants so tall that they came over the horse 's withers in places .
16 All she could see of him from this angle was that he was a very large man , broad as well as tall — so tall that he had to bend his head over his task .
17 The darkness was so total that she wondered if they would even be able to proceed without the aid of a torch .
18 It may have become so normal that you do n't but I think
19 In the absence of legal criteria that distinguish constitutional law from other laws , the definition becomes so broad that it defines nothing at all .
20 The American legal system is so odd that I 've been told I could get Tristram deported in my custody .
21 They walked along corridors so narrow that they had to turn sideways , and through corridors as wide as barns .
22 She also sought , of course , the more usual and natural means of escape and fantasy , such as the watching of advertisements , the reading of fiction , and the spinning of self-indulgent romances , but her experience of life as a child was so narrow that she had no way of telling the possible from the absurd .
23 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
24 I was invited to write this article before the election , around the proposition that the policy differences between the parties were so narrow that it did not really matter who won — a political worldweariness with which I sharply disagreed .
25 The resulting chaos was so memorable that I 've never dared take a holiday during a conference again !
26 Within the citadel there was constant bickering between abbot , Viscount and towns-people — grown so rich that they obeyed no one , remarked Geoffrey of Vigeois ruefully — and yet also a sense of being bound together in opposition to their neighbour , the bishop 's city .
27 where branches are silouetted against the colours of the sunset they must be rich and strong enough to help intensify the sense of the light coming through then , but not so rich that they seem to close , or start to compete with the same thing happening in the ripples that form their reflection .
28 ‘ I think Germany has become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit , ’ said Turkey 's President Turgut Ozal on German television .
29 German angst over the issue prompted Turkish President Turgut Özal to assert on German television on Jan. 24 that " Germany had become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit " .
30 For transport she used the farmer 's pony and trap : the pony was so decrepit that we called it the dead pony .
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