Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 Recognising sharp practice in their dealers from the outset , they would be less likely to blame them for huge losses .
2 You 're only , I think you 're only supposed to use them for a , a few months , I 've been using them for about three years .
3 But you belong at the Foundling Hospital and we were only able to borrow you for a little while .
4 ‘ It seems somewhat harsh to criminalise me for doing my best in what were quite exceptional circumstances . ’
5 Of the love , she knew he was growing tired but since her own ardour had considerably diminished after Pilade 's birth she was not disposed to criticise him for this .
6 Just that they , they 're not willing to do it for nothing , and it 's going to cost you twenty pounds a time on top of the P A hire .
7 he was always " cheerful and in season gay " , he gave the ladies presents of flowers from his garden with mottoes attached ; he was fond of fishing , he organized charades , he valued friendship , but was not prepared to risk anything for it .
8 The maltote too thus became a regular impost , though the commons were not prepared to grant it for more than a year or two at a time for fear of losing control over it and to prevent the king from reviving the monopolistic schemes for exploiting the producers which they had struggled against between 1336 and 1351 .
9 Not content to blame us for our appalling living conditions and poverty , officials and experts seemed determined to persecute us as well .
10 Erm simple as that if I give you a list of telephone numbers you 're not likely to remember them for long , you might be able
11 You 're determined to do what you want now , Taurus and you 're not likely to compromise yourself for anyone else at this time .
12 All other questions were secondary , so it is not reasonable to reproach him for not being a nationalist .
13 Of course , the holders of irredeemable stock were not obliged to exchange it for South Sea stock , but as fast as they did so the company would issue an equal amount of its stock .
14 FEARFUL that an eco-collection could be tarnished with a ‘ muesli bar ’ image , she purposefully chose ‘ to show an avant-garde range that did n't look too eco because the consumer is not ready to do something for the environment at the expense of looking good ’ .
15 Apart from the last purpose set out in condition ( c ) he is not entitled to make them for any other purpose .
16 God does n't stand over us like an angry judge wanting to convict us and sentence us ; rather he watches over us with love and tenderness , always willing to forgive us for our misdemeanours and mistakes .
17 My peers are more tolerant , more willing to accept me for what I am rather than for what I might produce or become in the hierarchy .
18 Also , blotting paper is fairly costly to buy so it is much more economical to use it for pressing time and time again .
19 A heart has just become available for transplant , with a patient waiting for it , so they want to hold blood for that , and for the weekend , when they 're more likely to need it for trauma cases .
20 If an item is coached carefully step by step in the early stages the performers are more likely to remember it for future use .
21 I was more able to forgive her for past hurts because , as Nancy Friday says , I needed to do so .
22 Although the courts have not expressly said so , it may be more difficult to do anything for the casus omissus .
23 We are familiar with the spectacle of its loss , in pre-war Germany , for example , and in present-day Russia and China ; and so we are the more determined to preserve it for ourselves .
24 Quite apart from the contribution you made , it was specially nice to have you for your own sake .
25 But is always necessary to sacrifice one for the other ?
26 The second point is that the A C C are , are , I think , the second point is that there was a deputation to the Minister yesterday , so if , in a sense it 's a little late unless it was picked up by Mr yesterday , it may be a little late to do something for this year , er , I mean obviously next year is I think going to be the er , important issue , and the A C C has already circulated all Shire counties er , it 's picked up that this has happened to the majority of counties , although again the south east er , has escaped from that , and it 's asking for the sort of figures we 're debating this morning .
27 Mr Fowler said that while the existing law provided that it was automatically unfair to dismiss anyone for not being a union member , the bill completed the outlawing of the closed shop by extending the same protection to people applying for jobs .
28 The smile he gave her was familiar , full of charm , and yet she was now able to see it for what it was ; totally false and lacking in warmth .
29 ‘ To howl down a man just because he happens to be out of form one day is often sufficient to discourage him for all time , ’ he told the Yorkshire Evening Post .
30 I set traps for you , and you seemed to fall into them — that is , you reacted as I longed for you to react , but you were n't supposed to react at all because you were n't supposed to feel anything for me !
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