Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 After his show yesterday we asked Fluff to tell us about the most memorable records from his 32-year career .
2 Marshal Sergei Akhromeev , now Mr Gorbachev 's military adviser and , at the time , the man who organised the evacuation of Pripyat and entombed the stricken reactor , says that the two most memorable days in his life were the German invasion of his country in 1941 and the day of the Chernobyl explosion .
3 In Roy Vernon you had one of the best-balanced and most punishing strikers of his day .
4 In order to escape the gaze of the doctor 's large , black eyes , he studied the rather grubby lapels of his suit .
5 Jonathan Sisson was one of the most celebrated instrument-makers of his time , fostering the pre-eminence of the London instrument-making trade in Europe during the eighteenth century , ably followed by John Bird , Jeremiah Sisson , John and Peter Dollond , Jesse Ramsden , and Edward Troughton [ qq.v . ] .
6 In these two prominent instances — perhaps the two most public acts of his career — Jesus behaves in a way which must provoke violence .
7 Out of this claim stem the most radical , and as far as our purposes are concerned , the most interesting aspects of his theory ; for it is its ‘ subjectless ’ character which makes it so uncompromisingly holistic .
8 Those who heard him lecture remarked on the way he seized on and illustrated the most interesting parts of his subject , so that he was intelligible to the novice and listened to with pleasure by even the best informed , generally leading his class unresistingly to the desired conclusion .
9 Among the most interesting episodes in his career was his employment as official artist to the Citroen Motor Company 's expeditions across Africa and Asia in 1924–25 and 1931–32 which resulted in elaborate pastels of subjects such as Ondorodiau , Chief Mombuti , a Congo Pygmy chief .
10 Holford began to collect works of art in 1839 and became one of the most distinguished collectors of his time , with an enthusiasm for the Italian Renaissance .
11 ALFRED BRENDEL IS WITHOUT doubt one of the most distinguished pianists of his generation .
12 Orchard was one of the most distinguished architects of his time and seems throughout to have dealt with works in Oxford and the neighbourhood .
13 Keating announced a major reshuffle of the Cabinet on Dec. 27 , which included the appointment as Treasurer of John Dawkins , one of Keating 's most staunch supporters in his leadership struggle with Hawke .
14 While he did n't envy Frobisher his job , William Bird could cope well enough with the less salubrious demands of his own .
15 It was one of the less pleasant aspects of his present occupation that the Didier School of Cuisine was constantly mentioned in the same breath as Mrs Marshall 's nearby School of Cookery .
16 I missed his semi-erect dick , because I was furiously scribbling down detailed descriptions of his buttocks , but only a severely learning-impaired person would consider the character he is playing to be representative of normality .
17 Then I could walk home in daylight , but at bedtime I still searched my room for the murderer , who wore a black leather built-up surgical boot that swung and lurched down thick-pile carpets towards his victims .
18 To facilitate the efficient transport of granite from his quarries to the waiting canal barges at Teigngrace , Templer built a tramway , using long shaped blocks of his own granite to form the rails .
19 He gave only vague hints in his account . ’
20 From Figuration Libre painters , each portrayed in his own iconographical universe , he moved on to more natural , less intrusive backgrounds in his silkscreen-on-metal prints of Tunisian children or Berliners celebrating the fall of the Wall .
21 The Prince , however , smiled falsely , straightening up in his chair and running long white fingers through his blond hair .
22 Then it was that , with him towering over her , she took a step back and observed that Naylor Massingham must have some highly confidential papers in his briefcase since , evidently not trusting to leave it in his car , he had chosen to bring it up to her flat with him .
23 He immediately commands attention by grasping the nettle of the difficulty that the lord feels in combining the apparently opposing demands on his natural gifts .
24 We are thus faced in his later years by the paradox of a ruler who had spent his life in efforts to make his subjects prosperous and happy compelled to create a system of secret police and to hold down considerable parts of his territories by armed force .
25 In one of the last and most highly dramatised flourishes of his directorship at the National Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C. , J. Carter Brown announced on 4 June that his museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be receiving on loan twenty-two fifth-century BC sculptures from Greece that have never been loaned before .
26 For whatever reason , his concert appearances from then on revealed only occasional glimpses of his mettle , and of the recordings which followed , only the Rachmaninov Third Concerto with Abbado added lustre to the legend — it would have done so a sight more effectively had it been decently recorded by CBS ( 10/88 ) .
27 Three early-season defeats away from home had started a buzz that he was on his way , even prepared for a terminal handshake ; under the somewhat defensive provisions of his contract as manager , which might have been designed by the American alimony lawyer Marvin Mitchelson , it would have cost Barcelona more than £1m .
28 He grasped her suddenly nerveless fingers in his hand , sending her a smile with enough voltage to make her weak at the knees .
29 Before the veteran entertainer went home for the emotional Christmas Day reunion with his family , Leslie and Jean had together given thanks for his recovery at a short Communion service in the hospital chapel .
30 Imagine a young man of twenty-five laying down strict instructions about his retirement !
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