Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 It is the most liquid asset but it earns no interest , instead handling and storage costs are incurred .
2 I would counsel against taking this imperatival path , first on the rather weak ground that it is not necessary to do so .
3 LLOYDS Bank yesterday looked certain to retain its position as Britain 's most profitable bank as it unveiled a soaring 28 per cent rise in profits for the year to December .
4 That is a wholly different argument and it is therefore important to concentrate on it .
5 These facts are indeed significant , but they are susceptible of a rather different Interpretation when it is accepted that importance and success amongst the ulema in the earlier period did not depend upon one 's position in the hierarchy or concomitant matters like salary or membership of the divan — to anything like the same degree that they did in later times .
6 It is in a rather different sense that it is said of the wicked that they will soon fade like the grass ( Ps 37.2 ) , for there it is not an inbuilt weakness of the human constitution that accounts for the imminent death of the wicked but a fate peculiar to wrongdoers .
7 ‘ The Poles , Mexicans and Brazilians are all treating it as their final Olympic trials and though at this moment there are no pacemakers , they 'll all be watching each other and it could be the most interesting race since it began in 1981 . ’
8 Choral evensong may not be the most popular pastime but it is a traditional and universal way of creating a linked worshipping community .
9 But he does come rather near making the rather empty point that it must be wrong to identify good with anything different from itself .
10 There was a little magnetic tug as it came off his wrist .
11 In time , and under the influence of Sir Donald Cameron , a man of obscure origin and exceptional ability who had known the delights neither of DO-hood nor of public school , Indirect Rule began to acquire a less exotic coloration and a less inward-looking character than it had had in its glorious beginnings in Northern Nigeria .
12 DNA is a very long string-like molecule and it is packaged , with special proteins , in the form of chromosomes within the nucleus of the cell .
13 That 's the one for me because it 's so raunchy sounding and it 's got a real grit to it that I think is just fantastic .
14 The dichotomy between private and public sector is not so clear cut as it may appear .
15 Socialism is organised benevolence — and compulsorily organised benevolence if it has to be .
16 However , the therapist must be careful not to give the client an entirely free choice if it is believed that one , or a combination , of the client 's difficulties are central in maintaining the others .
17 Therefore we have a control mechanism to bring down blood-sugar level when it begins to reach unhealthy peaks .
18 It would be a much lesser work if it had swerved towards either extreme .
19 A pensions directive is currently being prepared by the European Commission and it will require extremely careful consideration if it is to achieve the desired effect of not restricting labour mobility with the European Community .
20 This is an extremely dangerous area and it is an area in which the CTO can easily pick up a considerable amount of tax if practitioners are not fully aware of the dangers .
21 No. 17 is a somewhat similar division but it contains a Tweddle press for shaping steel panel plates , and also deals with steel flooring , vestibule steel-work , and other miscellaneous work , while repairs are also undertaken here .
22 Such a muddled approach is symptomatic of a tendency , among all too many people who should know better , to treat the taking and driving away of vehicles as a less serious offence than it is .
23 In the fourth century , Athenian democracy was curtailed in ways harder to resist than a Hyperbolus , who could simply be got rid of : the institutionalized power of the men who administered the various state funds grew in the course of the fourth century , and as such people got above themselves Athens became a less democratic place than it had been in the fifth century .
24 The USA had taken the dissenting and somewhat paradoxical view that it would not be proper to prohibit the use in war of a gas which a state might ask its police to use against its own people .
25 Unlignified cellulose is birefringent , that is to say , it rotates polarized light because of its highly directional nature and it also stains brightly with certain dyes .
26 He is delighted and yesterday said : ‘ This is extremely good news because it is imperative that the cathedral has the ability to maintain its justifiably high standard of music , and a new organ is badly needed as the existing one is now beyond repair . ’
27 Those entering on the night will have to pay a greatly increased fee so it pays to enter NOW .
28 In brief , the Cartesian reduction may rest on a set of difficulties which are linguistically generated by treating language as a less complicated thing than it in fact is .
29 This may be viewed as an empiricist attitude but , according to William James , pragmatism represents empiricism ‘ both in a more radical and in a less objectionable form than it has ever yet assumed ’ .
30 While this as such simply acknowledges the situation as it is and is followed by a far longer passage relating to the benefits of celibacy for the Western rite , it remains a highly important text because it is the first time a Roman Council or any major Roman document has explicitly accepted and recommended the uniting of priesthood and marriage in a single life .
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