Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Many companies , however successful , tend to be somewhat inbred and for this reason people often welcome an injection of new thinking into their affairs . ’
2 Dorset Health Authority monitors activity in the usual manner , and quality criteria are no less rigorous than for any other provider unit .
3 Becoming a competent swimmer is obviously sensible and for those who sail a knowledge of seamanship is essential .
4 The situation is so serious that for any government to do what is necessary , it will have to be hated .
5 This was so important that for each of the national developments a full time National Development Officer ( NDO ) was seconded for a year from a college .
6 However , it is necessary to emphasise that exploration of materials such as sand , clay , soil and wood for sheer delight , without the intervention of an adult , is extremely important and for some children lasts a long time .
7 This is not only untrue , it is probably less true than for any other age group .
8 Is it perhaps true that for many of the English , poetry has never been anything else but a superior parlour game ?
9 However this is not usual and for this reason , LIFESPAN give a warning .
10 So either you say there 's no general will or there is something like a general will , but it is not easily recognizable and for either reason you would want to be much more tolerant of the role minorities , either as a way of getting to the truth , or erm as a way of as it were making up the truth as you 're going along .
11 Ian Rock , the chief executive , said yesterday : ‘ The group 's position is more stable than for some time , but it still requires a substantial improvement in the economy and a solution to the group 's gearing before it can achieve satisfactory returns on shareholders ’ funds . ’
12 Now , I leave entirely on one side the question why on earth the present ratio between profits and incomes generally is so supremely right that for all time it ought to be preserved , or at any rate allowed only to diminish , regardless of anything else that happens , such as the growth of savings and accumulation of capital .
13 So , at end-1984 , therefore , the nuclear industry is looking more bullish than for many years , despite the fact that the environmentally committed Greens are strongly represented in state and federal parliaments .
14 The climate for doing so is more favourable than for some years past .
15 Many contemporary players came under the Squash Rackets Association 's coaching umbrella at a very early age and facilities are more abundant than for any other racket sport .
16 To design cards for this stitch type is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern , but there are one or two rules that you need to obey .
17 The planning of the new invasion was nevertheless more realistic than for any previous attempt .
18 Continuing reliance might be placed upon the " civilizing influence of literature but teachers were also aware that for many students a degree in English was simply a necessary preliminary to a career in business , commerce , the civil service , teaching broadcasting , or journalism .
19 Mass production on an artificial medium is now possible and for some formulations the endotoxin is extracted .
20 was as perfect as for any building that he ever saw erected ; and as for the light he thought it was rather overdone than otherwise .
21 The challenge for the negotiators was as great as for any disarmament treaty .
22 But the rotational periods are correspondingly long and for all states are quite simply related to the rotational constants of the molecules .
23 The application of radiocarbon dating is usually relatively straightforward , and the dating process will produce a result with an error term that is just as good as for any archaeological sample .
24 but in the country er public transport is essential but er access to a car is ess is really essential and for those who ca n't afford it I do not know how they survive in the country .
25 I wonder if the , the director plans to talk about the cri criteria we will work towards with the independent erm living fund and I wonder if we could possibly accommodate something within the criteria because I think the number of people involved needing adaptation to their home over about five thousand is fairly small but for those people it will make the difference between them being able to remain in their own home or within the community care package , a vast sum of money being needed to be spent on them to accommodate them within residential accommodation .
26 Rationally , Diana understood , but emotionally , the Queen was still her mother-in-law and the relationship was as difficult as for any new wife .
27 Yesterday 's message of ‘ bran alone ’ is now outdated and for some very good reasons .
28 I 'm also well aware that for all the people who take thirtysomething to their hearts , there are at least as many who ca n't abide it .
29 In particular I think it should be recognised that the role of the unions , NALGO and G M D in helping that process of change has been quite fundamental and for that reason , because we appreciate and value the essential way in which the unions have contributed to the process of changing the organisation I consider that the they much trailed proposals from the opposition groups to cut , or in the other case , to reduce the NALGO office are quite misguided .
30 Somewhere between the ages of eight and 10 children 's ideas of what they want to draw become much more ambitious ; in particular , they want their pictures to be more visually realistic and for most of them this ambition far outstrips their skill .
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