Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Leslie and I very much enjoyed the situation , though I felt just a little guilty at flaunting a privilege denied to my friends .
2 I felt a little guilty at leaving the Websters , as we had developed quite a good relationship .
3 ‘ I should , of course , be most interested in reading the finished script , though — ’ he gave a little wry smile — ‘ I can make no promises . ’
4 Of course , sometimes we do feel that the other person has been rather abrupt in ending the conversation , and that is the moment when we should do our ethnomethodological analysis to identify what it was that they , or we , failed to do as part of bringing the conversation to a proper and recognizable end .
5 To discover the electron is rather different from discovering the kangaroo , because it is a theoretical entity inferred from certain abstruse experiments ; and Thomson 's apparently crucial experiment turned out in the twentieth century not to be so .
6 So , although this type of research produces what may be comforting numbers , and can provide reassurance that , in some sense , your ads will be noticed , you need to be rather careful in interpreting the results .
7 Recent work in the philosophy and sociology of science has emphasized that experimental results are rarely adequate for making a definitive choice between competing theories .
8 At first , writing a personal experience of cancer seemed little different from writing a thriller .
9 Wood chip papers are the most popular for giving a light ‘ oatmealy ’ texture for a very cheap price .
10 They enjoyed their position of confidence and some were a little resentful at having the boat rocked by the arrival of the Princess .
11 Many parts of it are extremely rural with farming the predominant industry ; watercourses here are maintained to a high standard of cleanliness and relied upon heavily as potable supply for the many industrial cities elsewhere in the authority 's jurisdiction .
12 If they were all the same colour you 'd think But because you 've become so used to seeing the green and ambers and the reds
13 In the end she had become so used to living the lie of marital contentment that she bad perhaps come to believe it herself .
14 Yes , you get so used to having a phone at home do n't you ?
15 He was now so used to hitting the boy .
16 Le Quement claims that all this is only possible by having a single drivetrain and wheel size specification but the limitation works to the car 's advantage .
17 Avoidance of this difficulty is only possible by following the approach adopted in the design of ladder attenuators and arranging that the input impedance of any section is equal to its load impedance .
18 Ramsey was abnormally shy about meeting the upper class and Eden 's voice was the caricature of an upper class voice .
19 It would be no bad thing if a more subdued housing market made Britons less obsessive about investing every last penny in their homes in the quest for easy returns .
20 She was acutely aware of the presence of Petion and the Marines around her , and felt somewhat guilty about using the advanced technology .
21 If he is so right in offering the ambulance staff 6.5 per cent , if the ambulance staff are so unreasonable in rejecting it , what has he got to be so afraid of in going to arbitration which would end this dispute this afternoon ?
22 After my success , I was less sorry about deserting the stockade .
23 Mr Baker was not entirely wrong in wanting a simple , forceful document for parents , though he failed to understand that some difficult issues — the teaching of grammar or Standard English , for example — need careful and detailed explanation .
24 He would not risk all he had so far-gained by advocating a theory as controversial as Darwin 's .
25 Too often business has been inward looking and has not been sufficiently rigorous in pursuing the question of who needs to know of changes in its practices and needs .
26 Sir John was deeply involved in reforming the conditions and prospects of the island 's large convict population , and greatly interested in exploring the land and its resources .
27 We 're trying to look to the gaps , and I wonder if we are , as you suggest in the comments that you 've received perhaps losing , we 're not perhaps sufficiently direct in addressing the parish organizations which are after all the core of a parish .
28 Incidentally , what was so funny about leaving the doctor a tube of Winsor blue ?
29 It is obviously different from fostering a small child , because there may be far more potential for personality clashes as young women try to cope with having a baby and having a foster mother .
30 Modern psychoanalysts still make extensive use of dream analysis , but are not necessarily interested in uncovering the " latent dream " — the simple wish-fulfilments of erotic images .
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