Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Having led the world into polyester fibre and been highly profitable for many years , we lost the lead position due to a combination of circumstances .
2 This is more than just instrumental self-aggrandizement , because this ‘ market forces ’ approach is an important ideological device in ‘ recommodification ’ , but the form of involvement is highly instrumental for many participants .
3 So serious on many occasions that it subsided into ponderousness , pretentiousness , and treated the subject as life-style , liberation , and meaning of life .
4 When the Government was newly formed it was perhaps natural for many matters to be discussed in Ministerial Committees which , with growing experience , should now be settled by the individual ministers concerned .
5 About half of all married men engage in extra-marital sex at least once in their married lives — a statistic which has remained more or less constant for many decades .
6 Temperatures would drop below freezing in many parts of the world and , even if the war occurred in summer , many areas would have snowfall for months .
7 The results achieved by a number of research groups were sufficiently encouraging for many academics to form the first commercial companies to develop and market AI software .
8 We found these extremely useful for many reasons .
9 It 's simply the tiredness that makes me so unresponsive on many occasions . ’
10 However the important ingredients for successful care outcomes identified by Mansell and Beasley demonstrate the necessary link between goals , structures , and practices less evident in many studies of residential care .
11 Right now , for example , all the digital media we have considered fail to compete with videodisc in an area of functionality general considered highly important in many areas of the IMT sector : the delivery of high quality , full screen , full motion video .
12 It is Philistine not to see that a fact and a theory , simple components of tenuous knowledge , are a way not necessarily of controlling nature , but of coming to terms with it , of playing homage ; science is less arrogant in many ways than the arts of landscape or of poetising , mainly because it is content to describe the world as it is .
13 In fact one of the striking characteristics of the history of Africa 's informals during the last three decades is how few of them have managed to launch genuine large-scale businesses , capable of competing with the foreign-owned or -managed enterprises which are still so critical in many countries .
14 Although the short-term projections were in line with many of those produced by private-sector forecasts , those covering the longer term were considered somewhat optimistic by many economists .
15 The equipment need not be videotaped , which admittedly is expensive and less common in many schools ; audiotape provides another catalytic agency at a much more modest price .
16 The use of the passive voice is extremely common in many varieties of written English and can pose various problems in translation , depending on the availability of similar structures , or structures with similar functions , in the target language .
17 Cleaning up eastern Germany 's disastrous pollution could prove ruinously expensive for many businesses .
18 In short a process of levelling up rather than the levelling down anticipated by many critics of comprehensive provision .
19 People living on the riverbanks ca n't remember it being so bad for many years and if there 's rugby here tomorrow , then the players will be in for an early bath .
20 Avoidance involves allowing cell sap to concentrate , so reducing its freezing point ; in this way frost-hardened plants may remain ice-free and physiologically active for many days at temperatures well below 0°C .
21 ‘ People seem to think we are getting rid of all the books but the only ones we have done away with are those which had been hidden away unused for many years . ’
22 In addition , consultant firms are no longer appropriate in many settings and a team based approach will often result in better care for patients and improved experience for juniors , who will be sufficiently awake to benefit from the ‘ apprenticeship method of transmitting skills and knowledge ’ that Field advocates .
23 It has also raised some practical difficulties in making a transfer of assets from one party to another when a portion of those assets consists of a pension which is not payable for many years to come .
24 It 's not unusual for many women to feel depressed a few days after giving birth .
25 It 's not unusual for many women to feel depressed a few days after giving birth .
26 LEFT Firm action needs to be taken towards a young dog which tries to bite , although during the teething phase , it is not unusual for many dogs to attempt to bite at their owner 's hand .
27 All such activities demand thorough pre-planning and a type of organization not customary in many schools .
28 Liechtenstein is not famous for many things .
29 Once the code is mastered it is relatively easy to transfer the skill to another language ; but to learn to read in a language where the spoken word is not well understood is to invite pseudoliteracy of the kind so painfully apparent in many countries .
30 She arrives , convincingly , at a much more positive — for the women in question — interpretation ; but also one which allows the writings and lives of these women to have a depth and dimension for us which was simply not available in many cases while we insisted on trying to see them as sexual victims of appalling restrictions of personal freedom : to see them as though they were us .
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