Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Established in 1985 with an initial funding of about £14 million , DELTA has now commissioned 30 projects for its exploratory phase , most due to report back to the Commission early in 1991 .
2 It would then be all right to go back to England and Glyn ?
3 Many educationalists in the nineteenth century believed that for the young it was right to teach only what was certain , such as geometry and classical languages ; once these had been mastered it would be all right to get on to more hypothetical subjects .
4 ‘ Your daddy was terribly brave to stand up to them alone , ’ said Cheryl , in awe .
5 And as a business , politician and freemason , it was only natural to go off to the golf course on a Sunday .
6 Variously ascribed to Andrea di Lione , Pietro Testa and Mattia Preti , it is a fascinating art-historical curiosity , that in my opinion is sufficiently unusual to hang on to a while longer .
7 But they can be incredibly frustrating when something goes wrong because it 's so hard to get down to a nitty gritty level to sort out your problems .
8 There is again some anecdotal evidence that such degrees are less likely to lead on to postgraduate research , and some of the figures in Table 3.2 suggest this ; but such assertions need to be tested empirically .
9 ’ We have learned things about the galaxy , ’ she replied grimly , ’ and we will be greatly glad to get back to our Ardakke .
10 People who are under medical direction to lose weight or quit smoking may likewise be quite rightly unwilling to give in to their impulses .
11 Ca n't think what took you so long to get around to it , old chap , ’ Aubrey said .
12 ‘ I 'm sorry we 've taken so long to get round to you , Mrs Grogan , but we 've been very busy .
13 ‘ They take so long to get back to pupils , ’ was one comment .
14 Because the elite , through their superior wealth , are better able to live up to the so-called modern values , which are all the more costly to support because of their external source , they are further differentiated from the poor .
15 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
16 Soilless composts will do very well as they are , keeping them slightly on the dry side , but be very careful , as such composts take a long time to dry out but then do so completely with alarming rapidity , and are exceedingly difficult to wet through to the centre of the root-ball .
17 On the other hand , he was extremely difficult to pin down to any conclusion .
18 A more adventurous statesman , or one less determined to hang on to power , might have acted more quickly or taken more radical steps to achieve the same goal .
19 But it is no less necessary to face up to its weaknesses as a comprehensive interpretation of the meaning of Christian belief .
20 ‘ It 's extremely nice to come back to Liverpool , ’ she says .
21 He stamped his feet like a restless pony , obviously anxious to get back to whatever he had been doing .
22 As soon as she was done , the girl sat up and returned the favour hurriedly , obviously eager to get back to her book .
23 So El-ahrairah called up to him and said , " What news ? "
24 But evolution ploughed on remorselessly , enabling only the most adaptable to go on to the next stage .
25 Constance , whose confidence was growing daily , was not prepared to give in to Nicky 's wishes merely because of his sex .
26 That is just impossible to live up to .
27 Thus when Mu Sagittarii has been definitely located , it is not hard to move on to M25 , M17 , M21 , M20 and M8 , though the beginner will have to be careful not to confuse them .
28 It could be argued that had England scored faster on the second day they would have won comfortably , but having controlled the game from the beginning they were desperately unlucky to lose out to the weather ; and for the fans listening at home it was especially frustrating that it was a beautiful evening in England .
29 That 's what made us play up , people just sitting there , not able to go up to the STU [ occupational therapy ] because there was n't enough officers or staff to take us .
30 But they will also be suitable for students who have just finished Standard Grades , but are not ready to go on to Highers .
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