Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 The highlight of this year 's show is the group of works by Samuel Palmer , apparently the largest to be offered by any gallery for twenty-five years .
2 Let us begin then with a brief review of what we know about the ego 's past in order all the better to be able to understand something about its present and future .
3 Our case is thus the first to be described .
4 ‘ You 're not the first to be affected by the pool . ’
5 Our newsletter is not the first to be produced using desktop publishing methods , in the UK that honour probably goes to The Wordsmith , a bi-monthly journal for authors and writers .
6 He was not the first to be interested in Rome ; certainly Theophrastus and perhaps Callias of Syracuse preceded him .
7 no , no , it was just a bound to be a cos you see , let me explain something to you until you gave evidence today , certainly I did n't and maybe others did n't realize in this court room that what were looking at is that one edition of the brochure which may of had several editions , do you understand ?
8 Few are fully evergreen ; rather more keep a small proportion of semi-evergreen leaves ( usually the last to be produced in summer ; Savile , 1972 ) that allow them to start photosynthesis as soon as the sun returns .
9 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
10 He was always the first to be arrested , she thought proudly , he was so dedicated , so obviously — even to the police self-sacrificing .
11 A Digital spokeswoman in Massachusetts declined to say when the decision would be made , but said in such cases , the affected employees were always the first to be notified .
12 Children 's needs are always the last to be considered by architects and planners , ’ says Gordon .
13 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
14 Alcohol is the most widespread drug in use and was probably the first to be discovered .
15 Mrs Clamp has come across with some details on sporadic occasions , too , though they are probably no more to be relied on than what my father 's told me .
16 The emotional covenant is often the first to be formed .
17 Education is often the first to be squeezed at a time of cuts .
18 The obvious route is often the last to be taken .
19 ‘ There 's really no more to be said , is there ? ’
20 For the evidence set out above suggests that the heads of the central figures , which still relate to a certain extent to the work of 1906 and which were almost certainly the first to be painted , were not executed until the Iberian stone heads came into Picasso 's possession in March 1907 .
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