Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 all too often produce defensive or even hostile reactions : the more so because there is rarely the opportunity for teachers to discuss the points directly with the inspectors .
2 Presumably the case for streaming gets stronger as you go higher up in a school ?
3 Presumably the case for streaming gets stronger as you get higher up into a school ?
4 In order to compensate for this the Borough Council took on the responsibility for payment of the Parish Clerk 's salary and the maintenance of parish playing fields .
5 I took on the management for Scullion and it was not an enjoyable experience .
6 Palm have taken on the franchise for Dagger kayaks .
7 The ego can itself be an object for libidinal attachments , as it is in narcissism , a stage in the development , or rather the starting-point for development , of every person .
8 Well yes it 's it I du n no it 's you know I do n't know want to say You know basically the facilities for change are really in the hands of of the politicians are n't they you know ?
9 But also , and more importantly , the normal upward movement that was for long the solvent for discontent has been arrested .
10 And no doubt some ‘ inner cohesion ’ of the ‘ community of fate ’ was stimulated by the intensification of feelings of hatred towards the allied bombers and especially the thirsting for retaliation against Britain .
11 The piano and orchestra works , especially the Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments receive outstanding performances from Béroff and the Orchestra de Paris under an alert Seiji Ozawa .
12 This apparently low level of active parental involvement has important implications for other aspects of current policy — especially the arrangements for schools to opt out of local authority control .
13 We have some concerns — especially the need for articulation between general SVQs and HNCs , HNDs , and occupational SVQs .
14 However , it is now widely ( and wisely ) accepted that screen-based communication is a weak platform for predominantly textual and numeric information and is more naturally the platform for sound and images .
15 It must have had the throat of a raven because it cuckooed its way up and down the valley for weeks on end .
16 I was asked … the other day whether the Bill would lay down the curricula for schools .
17 The articles of association of each company , or , in some cases the shareholders ' agreement , lay down the procedures for share valuation .
18 Bloomsbury House tried to dampen down the enthusiasm for Lyons — the uniforms were very expensive to provide — but many ended up working there .
19 IT was hardly a Sellars market as Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson scored brilliantly over Liverpool 's Kenny Dalglish to beat down the price for midfielder Scott Sellars
20 As the 747 coasted down the runway for take-off , a voice announced to passengers that , following the lead of some American airlines , passengers would be shown the view of take-off from the cockpit .
21 I believe that the hon. Gentleman and his friends have misused those reports in the past , but cutting down the scope for reports from the inspectorate has nothing to do with my proposals .
22 The Review recommended that there be a fixed period within which the parties would be required to set down the case for trial or to report to the court .
23 This type of shift was slit down the back for ease of application and secured with back-tie draw-strings at the neck and waist ; such items were , it is assumed , readily available from the undertaker .
24 Now it is open and defenceless against the machetes which slash down the undergrowth for tinder. — when the tinder is dry the fires can be lit to burn off the remaining forest to make way for agriculture or ranching ( in many areas this ‘ slash and burn ’ forest clearance happens without first even removing the usable hardwood ) .
25 Meanwhile , the World Wide Fund for Nature is urgently appealing for funds to stage a campaign in the Far East aimed at closing down the markets for rhino horn .
26 The answer lay not in trying to play down the search for glory in war , but in channelling these energies towards the service of the king who represented the public good and honour of a nation or people .
27 Beau Brummel had laid down the requirements for men 's evening wear at Almack 's .
28 Marc Almond : angst in the sort of leather jacket your kid brother bought down the market for £39.99 , live at the Astoria with , apparently , three camera shots on offer .
29 ‘ The housing market has gone into depression and dragged down the market for consumer durables too but money could be earmarked by the Chancellor to improve existing housing stock , ’ he said .
30 But Charlton said : ‘ I ca n't consider watering down the team for Lithuania in anticipation of Spain .
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